Subproject of the Horizon Europe Project “United in Narrative Diversity? Cultural (Ex-) Change and Mutual Perceptions in Eastern and Western Europe at the threshold of the digital age”, 2023-2026, financed by the European Commission’s ‘Horizon’ programme.
We chose Poland and Slovakia as two member states of the Visegrád group and therefore central forces of Eastern/Central Europe and Germany and France as central forces of the Western part of the European Union. We especially take into consideration national particularities such as the role of Poland as an early supporter of Ukraine’s aspiration to join the EU or Germany as the EU member state with the highest percentage of Russian speakers among the population. Our analysis aims at a comparison of the differences in emphasis of known framing strategies in the four countries as well as the observation of the variation of those framing strategies in specific cultural contexts. On a formal level, we will also research whether we can find significant differences in the quality of media in which disinformation narratives are spread and shared in the different countries (i.e., whether we can detect a preference of videos, deepfakes/AI, memes, text-based messages).
Dr Christian Noack (UvA)
Prof. Hanna Klimpe HAW Hamburg