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The projects in this research group unravel digital, artistic, and audiovisual performances as lenses onto a rapidly changing or dysfunctional societies. The projects examine the novel cultural patterns and narratives that have appeared in Latin America in response to political violence and social injustice. The analysis of the ways in which interlocutors use the internet for their social or activist purposes, figures prominently in most research projects.
Participants & project titles:
Youth Practices and Social Media in Chile: An Ethnography of Young People`s Gender, Negotiations in Everyday Digital (Sexual) Peer Cultures (completed in 2022) (Irene Arends)
The Relief Zone: Theatre Based Research in the Political Violence Context of Veracruz (Geraldine Lamadrid Guerrero)
Creative Hangouts in Urban Spaces: Unravelling and creating socially and politically driven street art in Colombia (Lieke Prins)
From Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to Bogotá: Cultural agency and political achievements from indigenous communities in visual narratives (Laura Triana Gallego)
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