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Dupuits, E., Baud, J., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., & Hogenboom, B. (2020). Scaling up but losing out? Water commons' dilemmas between transnational movements and grassroots struggles in Latin America. Ecological Economics, 172, Article 106625.[details]
Baud, J. M., Boelens, R. A., & Damonte, G. (2019). Nuevos capitalismos y transformaciones territoriales en la Región Andina. Estudios Atacameños, 63, 195-208.
Baud, M., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., Hogenboom, B., Klaufus, C., Koonings, K., & Ypeij, A. (2019). Commoning Xela: Negotiating collective spaces around a Central American intermediate city. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 108, 267-279.[details]
Baud, M. (2018). Between Academia and Civil Society: The Origins of Latin American Studies in the Netherlands. Latin American Perspectives, 45(4), 98-114.[details]
Baud, M. (2017). [Review of: Ricardo D. Salvatore (2016) Disciplinary Conquest. U.S. scholars in South America, 1900-1945]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 103.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Boelens, R., & Baud, M. (2017). Territorial pluralism: water users’ multi-scalar struggles against state ordering in Ecuador’s highlands. In R. Boelens, B. Crow, J. Hoogesteger, F. Lu, E. Swyngedouw, & J. Vos (Eds.), Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (pp. 266-281). (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance). Routledge.[details]
Baud, M. (2016). Tobacco and Politics in the Caribbean [Review of: C. Cosner (2015) The Golden Leaf: How Tobacco Shaped Cuba and the Atlantic World; T.A. Levy (2015) Puerto Ricans in the Empire: Tobacco Growers and U.S. Colonialism]. New West Indian Guide, 90(3-4), 281-286.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Boelens, R., & Baud, M. (2016). Territorial pluralism: water users’ multi-scalar struggles against state ordering in Ecuador’s highlands. Water International, 41(1), 91-106.[details]
Martinez-Alier, J., Baud, M., & Sejenovich, H. (2016). Origins and Perspectives of Latin American Environmentalism. In F. de Castro, B. Hogenboom, & M. Baud (Eds.), Environmental Governance in Latin America (pp. 29-57). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Boelens, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Baud, M. (2015). Water reform governmentality in Ecuador: neoliberalism, centralization, and the restraining of polycentric authority and community rule-making. Geoforum, 64, 281-291. Advance online publication.[details]
Hogenboom, B., Baud, M., de Castro, F., & Walter, M. (2014). La gobernanza ambiental en América Latina. Mapeando miradas, dinámicas y experiencias. Ecología Política, 48, 14-17.[details]
Baud, M. (2013). State and society in Argentina: change and continuity under the Kirchners [Review of: J. Auyero (2012) Patients of the state: the politics of waiting in Argentina; A. Malamud, M. De Luca (2011) La política en tiempos de los Kirchner; B. Sarlo (2011) La audacia y el cálculo: Kirchner 2003-2010; M.A. Sitrin (2012) Everyday revolutions: horizontalism and autonomy in Argentina]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 95, 114-123.[details]
Baud, M., de Castro, F., & Hogenboom, B. (2011). Environmental governance in Latin America: towards an integrative research agenda. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 90, 79-88.[details]
Baud, M. (2010). Identity Politics and Indigenous Movements in Andean History. In R. Boelens, D. Getches, & A. Guevara-Gil (Eds.), Out of the mainstream: water rights, politics and identity (pp. 99-117). Earthscan. [details]
Baud, M. (2010). Indigenismo y los movimientos indígenas en la historia andina, siglos XIX y XX. In A. Escobar Ohmstede, R. Falcón Vega, & R. Buve (Eds.), La arquitectura histórica del poder: naciones, nacionalismo y estados en América Latina: siglos XVIII, XIX y XX (pp. 95-110). (Centro de estudios históricos). México/Amsterdam: El Colegio de México/CEDLA. [details]
Baud, M., & Ypeij, A. (2009). Cultural Tourism in Latin America: An Introduction. In M. Baud, & A. Ypeij (Eds.), Cultural tourism in Latin America: the politics of space and imagery (pp. 1-20). (CEDLA Latin America studies; Vol. 96). Brill.[details]
Baud, J. M. (2007). Indigenous politics and the state: The Andean highlands in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Social Analysis, 51(2), 19-42. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2007). Liberalism, indigenismo, and social mobilization in late nineteenth century Ecuador. In A. K. Clark, & M. Becker (Eds.), Highland Indians and the state in modern Ecuador (pp. 72-88). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). "Intellectuals and History in the Spanish Caribbean: Between Autonomy and Power". Caribbean Studies, 34(1), 3. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). 'Ideologías de raza y nación en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX'. In E. de Rezende Martins, & H. Pérez Brignoli (Eds.), Historia General de América Latina, Volumen IX (pp. 175-194). Madrid: Ediciones UNESCO / Editorial Trotta. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). Ideologías de raza y nación en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX. In E. de Rezende Martins, & H. Pérez Brignoli (Eds.), Historia General de América Latina, Volumen IX: Teoría y metodología en la Historia de América Latina Madrid: Ediciones UN.
Baud, J. M. (2006). Indigenismo, políticas de identidad y movimientos indígenas en la historia andina. In R. Boelens, D. Getches, & A. Guevara Gil (Eds.), Agua y Derechos. Políticas Hídricas, Derechos Consuetudinarios e identidades Locales (pp. 33-57). Lima: IEP/WALIR. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). Indigenismo, políticas de identidad y movimientos indígenas en la historia andina. In R. Boelens, D. Getches, & A. Guevara Gil (Eds.), Agua y Derechos. Políticas Hídricas, Derechos Consuetudinarios e identidades Locales. (pp. 20). Lima: IEP/WALIR. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). Intellectuals and History in the Spanish Carribean: Between Autonomy and Power. Caribbean Studies, 34(1), 3-17.
Baud, J. M. (2006). Trends in Peruvian Historiography. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 80, 91-98. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). Trends in Peruvian historiography. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 80, 91-98. [details]
Ypeij, J. L., Baud, J. M., & Zoomers, A. (2006). Introdución: turismo como estrategia de desarrollo sostenible’. In A. Ypeij, & A. Zoomers (Eds.), La Ruta Andina: Turismo y desarrollo sostenible en Perú y Bolivia (pp. 9-36). Quito: Editorial Abya Yala.
de Castro, F., Hogenboom, B., & Baud, M. (2016). Introduction: Environment and Society in Contemporary Latin America. In F. de Castro, B. Hogenboom, & M. Baud (Eds.), Environmental Governance in Latin America (pp. 1-25). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). 'Je zit wel eens op de fiets en dan denk je na'; In gesprek met Michiel Baud. In L. Noordegraaf (Ed.), Waarover spraken zij? Economische geschiedbeoefening in Nederland omstreeks het jaar 2000 (pp. 33-43). Amsterdam: Aksant.
Baud, J. M. (2006). New Visions on the Social and Political History of Peru. SEPHIS e-magazine, 3(1).
Baud, M. (2006). Towards a new social and political history in Peru. Review Essay. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 80, 91-98.
Ypeij, A., Hogenboom, B., Klaufus, C., de Castro, F., Koonings, K., Baud, M., & Boelens, R. (2018). Xela stories of transformation: A commons perspectives on (peri-)urban resource use, territoriality, and cultural representation. Web publication or website, CEDLA-UvA.[details]
Baud, M. (2016). De politiek van Latijns-Amerika. In C. Klaufus, & P. van Lindert (Eds.), Latijns-Amerika: Een regio in beweging (pp. 67-86). Volendam: LM Publishers. [details]
Baud, M. (2016). Ideologías de progreso. Transformando la cultura indígena y conquistando la naturaleza en América Latina, 1870-1910. In P. Andrade Andrade (Ed.), La gobernanza ambiental en Ecuador: Historia, presente y desafíos (pp. 29-54). (Biblioteca de ciencias sociales; Vol. 80). Corporación Editora Nacional. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2015). [Review of: A.S.Q. Liberato (2013) Joaquín Balaguer, memory, and diaspora: the lasting political legacies of an American protégé]. The Hispanic American Historical Review, 95(4), 704-706.[details]
Baud, M. (2015). Beyond the headlines: an editor's view on Latin American Studies in ERLACS. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 100, 17-26.[details]
Baud, M. (2015). [Review of: F. Beigel (2012) The politics of academic autonomy in Latin America]. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 34(1), 143-144.[details]
Baud, M. (2015). [Review of: J.E. Sanders (2014) The vanguard of the Atlantic world: creating modernity, nation, and democracy in nineteenth-century Latin America]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 99, 169-171.[details]
Baud, M., & Hogenboom, B. (2012). Nederland en Latijns-Amerika. Openbaar Bestuur, 22(7), 23-28. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2010). [Review of: S. Martínez (2007) Decency and excess: global aspirations and material deprivation on a Caribbean sugar plantation]. New West Indian Guide, 84(1/2), 127-129.[details]
Baud, M. (2010). [Review of: L. Derby (2009) The dictator's seduction: politics and the popular imagination in the era of Trujillo]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 88, 132-133.[details]
Baud, J. M., Mayorga, F., & Salman, T. (2009). Power and Change Analysis: Bolivia. Democracy or democracies? La Paz: Report for Dutch Embassy.
Baud, M. (2009). [Review of: A. Kennedy-Troya (2008) Escenarios para una patria : paisajismo ecuatoriano, 1850-1930; M. Becker (2008) Indians and leftists in the making of Ecuador's modern indigenous movements]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 87, 134-137.[details]
Baud, M. (2009). [Review of: J. Burke (2007) Nineteenth-Century Nation Building and the Latin American Intellectual Tradition: A Reader]. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 28(4), 584-585.[details]
Baud, M. (2009). [Review of: J. Child (2008) Miniature messages : the semiotics and politics of Latin American postage stamps]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 86, 125-127.[details]
Baud, M. (2008). Intellectuals and dictators in the Dominican Republic [Review of: T. Martínez-Vergne (2005) Nation & citizen in the Dominican Republic, 1880-1916; P.L. San Miguel (2004) Los desvaríos de Ti Noel: Ensayos sobre la producción del saber en el Caribe; P.L. San Miguel, J. Ramírez (2005) The imagined island: History, identity, and utopia in Hispaniola; R.L. Turits (2003) Foundations of despotism: Peasants, the Trujillo regime and modernity in Dominican history]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 84, 101-105.[details]
Baud, M. (2008). Towards a new social and political history in Peru: Review essay [Review of: S. O'Phelan Godoy, M. Ricketts (2004) Homenaje a Jorge Basadre: El hombre, su obra y su tiempo; M. Burga (2005) La Historia y los historiadores en el Perú; P. Drinot, L. Garofalo (2005) Más allá de la dominación y la resistencia: Estudios de historia peruana, siglos XVI-XX; C. Méndez (2005) The plebeian republic: The Huanta rebellion and the making of the Peruvian state, 1820-1850; J.L. Rénique (2004) La batalla por Puno: Conflicto agrario y nación en los Andes peruanos 1866-1995]. Revista de Indias, 68(242), 289-300.[details]
Baud, M. (2008). [Review of: M.I. Santiago (2006) The ecology of oil: Environment, labor, and the Mexican Revolution, 1900-1938]. International Review of Social History, 53(2), 328-330.[details]
Baud, J. M. (2007). Ambivalent academia: Latin and Anglo-Saxon influences in Latin American Studies in Europe. LASA Forum, 38(1), 7-8. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2007). Book review L. DuBois [Review of: (2005) The politics of the past in an Argentine working-class neighbourhood]. International Review of Social History, 52(2), 313-315. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). Ideologías de raza y nación en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX. In E. de Rezende Martins, & H. Perez Brignoli (Eds.), Historia General de América Latina, Volumen IX: Teoría y metodología en la Historia de América Latina (pp. 175-194). Madrid: Ediciones UNESCO / Editorial Trotta. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). Intellectuals and history in the Spanish Caribbean: Between autonomy and power. Caribbean Studies, 34(1), 3-17. [details]
Hogenboom, B. B., & Baud, J. M. (2019). Latijns Amerika verdient Nederlandse Ondersteuning. In NRC
Baud, J. M. (2014). Dominikanische Republik. In S. Hensel, & B. Potthast (Eds.), Das Lateinamerika Lexikon Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag.
Baud, J. M. (2014). Metaal en melancholie. Antropologisch filmen in Lima. In M. S. Thomas (Ed.), Latijns Amerika in beeld. Visies op een bewogen regio. (pp. 33-40). Amsterdam: CEDLA.
Baud, J. M. (2014). Mexico is geweld en corruptie zat. OneWorld, 2014(11).
Baud, J. M. (2013). God sliep ook in Latijns-Amerika. De Morgen.
Baud, J. M. (2013). In Latijns Amerika heeft de Katholieke Kerk de slag gemist. NRC.
Baud, J. M. (2013). Nederland en het nieuwe Latijns Amerika. Internationale Spectator, 67(4), 8-13.
Baud, J. M. (2011). Dom om ambassades te sluiten. NRC-Handelsblad.
Baud, J. M. (2010). Verwoesting en hoop. De wederopbouw van Haiti. Folia, 63(19), 8-9.
Baud, J. M. (2009). Rum, Revolutie en Reclame. Opkomst en ondergang van de Bacardi-dynastie. NRC-Handelsblad.
Baud, J. M. (2008). Latijns-Amerika vindt zichzelf opnieuw uit. De Volkskrant.
Baud, J. M. (2007). Hugo Chávez is een baasje, maar hij bereikt wel wat. De Volkskrant.
Baud, J. M. (2007). Hugo Chávez: Hoop voor de armen of gevaar voor de democratie? Spanning, 9(6), 3-5. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2007). Latijns-Amerika: Wending naar links. Spectrum Jaarboek, 2007, 14. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2007). Volk steunt alleenheerser Chávez. De Volkskrant.
Baud, J. M. (2007). Volksheld én despoot. Drie boeken over de populairste leider van Latijns Amerika. NRC Handelsblad, 3.
Baud, J. M. (2006). "Je zit wel eens op de fiets en dan denk je na", In gesprek met Michiel Baud. In L. Noordegraaf (Ed.), Waarover spraken zij? Economische geschiedbeoefening in Nederland omstreeks het jaar 2000 (pp. 33-43). Amsterdam: Askant. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2006). Latijns-Amerika trotseert Bush. Vrij Nederland, 67(5), 20-23. [details]
Baud, J. M. (2018). The ‘liminal moment’: European millenarianism and Andean indigenismo. Paper presented at Latin American Studies Association Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Membership / relevant position
Baud, J. M. (2012). Chair, Bath-de Jong Foundation for the History of Latin America.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Chair of Steering Committee of Sephis programme, Foreign Affairs and DGIS.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Member Wissenschaftliche Beirat GIGA, German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Managing editor, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, CEDLA, Amsterdam.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Member of the International Board, Bulletin of Latin American, Blackwell.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Member Raad van Advies, Latin American Film Festival.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Member KNAW scientific committee, KITLV.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Member KNAW scientific committee, International Institute of Social, Amsterdam.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Chair, Prince Bernhard Fellowships Foundation of Latin American Studies.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Visiting Professorial Chair, Chilean Culture, Universiteit Leiden.
Baud, J. M. (2012). Member Raad van Toezicht, HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries)..
Baud, J. M. (2012). Member of International Board, Journal of Latin American Studies, Cambridge, University Press..
Baud, J. M. (2009). Member Wissenschaftliche Beirat, Ibero-Amerikanischen Instituts.
Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member scientific committee, KITLV (KNAW).
Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member Scientific Committee, International Institute of Social History (KNAW).
Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member of the General Board of Concertación programme, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Editorship CEDLA Latin American Studies, CEDLA.
Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Latin American Network Chair, European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC).
Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member Wissenschaftliche Beirat, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).
Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Chair of Steering Committee of Sephis programme, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (DGIS).
Baud, J. M. (editor) (2009-2011). Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (Journal).
Baud, J. M. (editor) (2008). Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (Journal).
Talk / presentation
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (7-6-2012). Latin America and the world, Guest Lecture, Encuentro Latino Europea, The Hague.
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (16-5-2012). Latin America in 2015, Guest Lecture, Radio Netherlands Worldwide.
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (6-12-2011). De Nederlandse politiek ten opzichte van Latijns Amerika, Guest Key note Lecture, Latijns Amerika Commissie, Tweede Kamer, The Hague.
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (28-9-2011). Latin America: Emerging and Revolutionary Powers, Guest Lecture, Rooseveldt Academy, Middelburg.
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (15-6-2011). Dutch relations with Latin America, Guest Lecture IOB, The Hague.
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (26-5-2011). The Future of Latin America, Guest Lecture, ELE Conference, The Hague.
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (3-3-2011). Historical trends in Latin American Politics, Guest Lecture Historical trends in Latin American Politics, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague.
Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (26-1-2011). Current developments in Ecuador, Guest Lectures IMD/ISS, The Hague.
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