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Hoogesteger, J., Suhardiman, D., Veldwisch, G. J., Hidalgo-Bastidas, J. P., & Boelens, R. (2024). Water, Food, and Irrigation. In S. Hellberg, F. Söderbaum, A. Swain, & J. Öjendal (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Water and Development (pp. 209-219). Routledge.[details]
Porada, H., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2024). Gas extraction governmentality: The depoliticization of Groningen’s extractive territorialization. Political Geography, 108, Article 103001.[details]
Tubino de Souza, D., Boelens, R. A., Hogenboom, B. B., & de Castro, F. (2024). River co-learning arenas: principles and practices for transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation and multi-scalar (inter)action. Local Environment.
Xu, Q., Boelens, R., & Veldwisch, G. J. (2024). The evolution of China’s rural water governance: water, techno-political development and state legitimacy. Journal of Peasant Studies, 51(3), 717-737.[details]
de Jong, L., Veldwisch, G. J., Melsen, L. A., & Boelens, R. (2024). Making Rivers, Producing Futures: The Rise of an Eco-Modern River Imaginary in Dutch Climate Change Adaptation. Water, 16(4), Article 598.
Boelens, R. A., Perreault, T., & Vos, J. (2023). Justicia hídrica, poder y solidaridad. (Agua y Sociedad). Abya Yala.
Boelens, R., Escobar, A., Bakker, K., Hommes, L., Swyngedouw, E., Hogenboom, B., Huijbens, E. H., Jackson, S., Vos, J., Harris, L. M., Joy, K. J., de Castro, F., Duarte-Abadía, B., Tubino de Souza, D., Lotz-Sisitka, H., Hernández-Mora, N., Martínez-Alier, J., Roca-Servat, D., Perreault, T., ... Wantzen, K. M. (2023). Riverhood: political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 50(3), 1125–1156. Advance online publication.[details]
Brackel, L., Boelens, R., Bruins, B., Doorn, N., & Pesch, U. (2023). People in PowerPoint Pixels: Competing justice claims and scalar politics in water development planning. Political Geography, 107, Article 102974.[details]
Duarte-Abadía, B., Boelens, R., & Buitrago, E. (2023). Neoliberal commensuration and new enclosures of the commons: mining and market–environmentalism governmentalities. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11(7), 1480-1500 . Advance online publication.[details]
Hofstetter, M., Bolding, A., & Boelens, R. (2023). Conviviality Under Pressure of Market-Modernist Expertocracy: The Case of Water Commons in Rural Switzerland. International Journal of the Commons, 17(1), 375-389.[details]
Hofstetter, M., Bolding, A., & Boelens, R. (2023). Rooted Water Collectives in a Modernist and Neoliberal Imaginary: Threats and Perspectives for Rural Water Commons. Water (Switzerland), 15(21), Article 3736.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Konijnenberg, V., Brackel, L., Kemink, S., Kusters, M., Meester, B., Sanjeev Mehta, A., 't Hart, T., van der Poel, M., van Ommen, P., Boelens, R., & Sanchis-Ibor, C. (2023). Imaginaries and the Commons: Insights From Irrigation Modernization in Valencia, Spain. The International Journal of the Commons, 17(1), 109-124.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Suhardiman, D., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., Duarte‐Abadía , B., Hidalgo-Bastidas, J. P., Liebrand, J., Hernández‐Mora, N., Manorom, K., Veldwisch, G. J., & Vos, J. (2023). River Commoning and the State: A Cross‐Country Analysis of River Defense Collectives. Politics and Governance, 11(2), 280-292.[details]
Manosalvas, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2023). Imaginaries of place in territorialization processes: Transforming the Oyacachi páramos through nature conservation and water transfers in the Ecuadorian highlands. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41(5), 1010-1028.[details]
Mills-Novoa, M., Boelens, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Vos, J. (2023). Resisting, leveraging, and reworking climate change adaptation projects from below: placing adaptation in Ecuador’s agrarian struggle. Journal of Peasant Studies, 50(6), 2283–2311.[details]
van den Berge, J., Scheunpflug, L., Vos, J., & Boelens, R. (2023). Social movements in defense of public water services: the case of Spain. Frontiers in Water, 5, Article 1200440.[details]
Boelens, R. A. (2022). Eau, territoire et conflit. Accaparement, discipline et luttes pour des territoires hydrosociaux plus justes. In C. Nicolas-Artero, S. Velut, G. Schneier-Madanes, F. Poupeau, & C. Chavarochette (Eds.), Luttes pour l’eau dans les Amériques (pp. 122-146). Éditions de l'IHEAL.
Hommes, L., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2022). Re)making hydrosocial territories: Materializing and contesting imaginaries and subjectivities through hydraulic infrastructure. Political Geography, 97, Article 102698.[details]
Mills-Novoa, M., Boelens, R., & Hoogesteger, J. (2022). Climate change and water justice. In T. M. Letcher (Ed.), Water and Climate Change: Sustainable Development, Environmental and Policy Issues (pp. 399-418). Elsevier.[details]
Reyes Escate, L., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2022). Water assemblages in hydrosocial territories: Connecting place, space, and time through the cultural-material signification of water in coastal Peru. Geoforum, 135, 61-70.[details]
Xu, Q., Boelens, R., & Veldwisch, G. J. (2022). Rural drinking water governance politics in China: Governmentality schemes and negotiations from below. Political Geography, 97, Article 102703.[details]
van den Berge, J., Vos, J., & Boelens, R. (2022). Water justice and Europe’s Right2Water movement. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 38(1), 173-191.[details]
Boelens, R. (2021). Large-scale water infrastructure, territorial transformation and water rights dispossession. In J. W. Dellapenna, & J. Gupta (Eds.), Water Law (pp. 425-437). (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law; Vol. X). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication.[details]
Boelens, R. (2021). Water justice: Blatant grabbing practices, subtle recognition politics and the struggles for fair water worlds. In B. Coolsaet (Ed.), Environmental Justice: Key Issues (pp. 207-221). (Key Issues in Environment and Sustainability). Routledge.[details]
Manosalvas, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2021). Contractual Reciprocity and the Re-Making of Community Hydrosocial Territories: The Case of La Chimba in the Ecuadorian páramos . Water (Switzerland), 13(11), Article 1600.[details]
Prieto López, A., Duarte-Abadía, B., & Boelens, R. (2021). Territory in conflict: land dispossession, water grabbing and mobilization for environmental justice in southern Spain. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 37(6), 996-1020.[details]
Shah, E., & Boelens, R. (2021). The moralization of hydraulics: Reflections on the normative-political dimensions of water control technology. Geoforum, 121, 93-104.[details]
Shah, E., Vos, J., Veldwisch, G. J., Boelens, R., & Duarte-Abadía, B. (2021). Environmental Justice Movements in Globalizing Networks: A Critical Discussion on Social Resistance against Large Dams. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 48(5), 1008–1032. Advance online publication.[details]
van den Berge, J., Vos, J., Boelens, R., Kishimoto, S., & Jonker, P. (2021). Interview article: water movements’ defense of the right to water. From the European arena to the Dutch exception. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 53(3), 438-457.[details]
Dupuits, E., Baud, J., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., & Hogenboom, B. (2020). Scaling up but losing out? Water commons' dilemmas between transnational movements and grassroots struggles in Latin America. Ecological Economics, 172, Article 106625.[details]
García-Mollá, M., Ortega-Reig, M., Boelens, R., & Sanchis-Ibor, C. (2020). Hybridizing the commons. Privatizing and outsourcing collective irrigation management after technological change in Spain. World Development, 132, Article 104983.[details]
Hommes, L., Boelens, R., Bleeker, S., Duarte Abadia, B., Stoltenborg, D., Vos, J., & Roldán, D. (2020). Gubernamentalidades del agua: la conformación de los territorios hidrosociales, los trasvases de agua y los sujetos rurales-urbanos en América Latina. A&P Continuidad, 7(12), 10-19. Advance online publication.[details]
Mena Vásconez, P., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2020). Roses: the latest chapter in the conflicted history of controlling irrigation water in the Ecuadorian Andes. Water History, 12(2), 205-226.[details]
Mills-Novoa, M., Boelens, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Vos, J. (2020). Governmentalities, hydrosocial territories & recognition politics: The making of objects and subjects for climate change adaptation in Ecuador. Geoforum, 115, 90-101.[details]
van den Berge, J., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2020). How the European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Water and Sanitation is a Human Right!’ Changed EU Discourse on Water Services Provision. Utrecht Law Review, 16(2), 48-59. Advance online publication.[details]
Baud, J. M., Boelens, R. A., & Damonte, G. (2019). Nuevos capitalismos y transformaciones territoriales en la Región Andina. Estudios Atacameños, 63, 195-208.
Baud, M., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., Hogenboom, B., Klaufus, C., Koonings, K., & Ypeij, A. (2019). Commoning Xela: Negotiating collective spaces around a Central American intermediate city. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 108, 267-279.[details]
Boelens, R. (2019). Towers of indifference: Water and politics in Latin America. In J. Cupples, M. Palomino-Schalscha, & M. Prieto (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development (pp. 432-445). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.[details]
Boelens, R., Shah, E., & Bruins, B. (2019). Contested Knowledges: Large Dams and Mega-Hydraulic Development. Water (Switzerland), 11(3), Article 416.[details]
Damonte, G., & Boelens, R. (2019). Hydrosocial territories, agro-export and water scarcity: capitalist territorial transformations and water governance in Peru’s coastal valleys. Water International, 44(2), 206-223.[details]
Duarte Abadía, B., Boelens, R., & du Pré, L. (2019). Mobilizing Water Actors and Bodies of Knowledge. The Multi-Scalar Movement against the Río Grande Dam in Málaga, Spain. Water, 11(3), Article 410.[details]
Duarte-Abadia, B., & Boelens, R. (2019). Colonizing rural waters: the politics of hydro-territorial transformation in the Guadalhorce Valley, Málaga, Spain. Water International, 44(2), 148-168.[details]
Hidalgo-Bastidas, J. P., & Boelens, R. (2019). Hydraulic Order and the Politics of the Governed: The Baba Dam in Coastal Ecuador. Water (Switzerland), 11(3), Article 409.[details]
Hidalgo-Bastidas, J. P., & Boelens, R. (2019). The political construction and fixing of water overabundance: Rural–urban flood-risk politics in coastal Ecuador. Water International, 44(2), 169-187.[details]
Hommes, L., Boelens, R., Bleeker, S., Duarte Abadía, B., Stoltenborg, D., & Vos, J. (2019). Water governmentalities: The shaping of hydrosocial territories, water transfers and rural–urban subjects in Latin America. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space., 3(2), 399-422.[details]
Hommes, L., Boelens, R., Harris, L. M., & Veldwisch, G. J. (2019). Rural–urban water struggles: urbanizing hydrosocial territories and evolving connections, discourses and identities. Water International, 44(2), 81-94.[details]
Hoogendam, P., & Boelens, R. (2019). Dams and Damages. Conflicting Epistemological Frameworks and Interests Concerning “Compensation” for the Misicuni Project’s Socio-Environmental Impacts in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Water (Switzerland), 11(3), Article 408.[details]
Rocha López, R., Hoogendam, P., Vos, J., & Boelens, R. (2019). Transforming hydrosocial territories and changing languages of water rights legitimation: Irrigation development in Bolivia's Pucara watershed. Geoforum, 102, 202-213. Advance online publication.[details]
Rodríguez-de-Francisco, J. C., Duarte-Abadía, B., & Boelens, R. (2019). Payment for Ecosystem Services and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Securing Resource Flows for the Affluent? Water, 11(6), Article 1282.[details]
Shah, E., Boelens, R., & Bruins, B. (2019). Reflections: Contested Epistemologies on Large Dams and Mega-Hydraulic Development. Water (Switzerland), 11(3), Article 417.[details]
Valladares Pasquel, A. C., & Boelens, R. (2019). (Re)territorializaciones en tiempos de ‘revolución ciudadana’: petróleo, minerales y Derechos de la Naturaleza en el Ecuador. Estudios Atacameños, 63, 301-313.[details]
Verzijl, A., Boelens, R., & Nunez, O. (2019). Templos modernos y espacios sagrados: Territorios hidrosociales entrelazados en Cuchoquesera, Perú. Estudios Atacameños, 63, 251-274.[details]
Boelens, R., Perreault, T., & Vos, J. (2018). Introduction: Hydrosocial de-patterning and re-composition. In R. Boelens, T. Perreault, & J. Vos (Eds.), Water Justice (pp. 108-114). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Boelens, R., Vos, J., & Perreault, T. (2018). Introduction: The Multiple Challenges and Layers of Water Justice Struggles. In R. Boelens, T. Perreault, & J. Vos (Eds.), Water Justice (pp. 1-32). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Duarte Abadía, B., Boelens, R., & Du Pré, L. (2018). Alianzas antiembalse y luchas hidroepistemológicas. Los retos de la gestión colectiva del agua en el Río Grande, Málaga, España. Cuadernos de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia, 101, 107-126.[details]
Dukpa, R. D., Joshi, D., & Boelens, R. (2018). Hydropower development and the meaning of place. Multi-ethnic hydropower struggles in Sikkim, India. Geoforum, 89, 60-72.[details]
Hidalgo Bastidas, J. P., Boelens, R., & Isch, E. (2018). Hydroterritorial Configuration and Confrontation: The Daule-Peripa Multipurpose Hydraulic Scheme in Coastal Ecuador. Latin American Research Review, 53(3), 517–534.[details]
Hidalgo-Bastidas, J. P., & Boelens, R. (2018). Inundaciones políticamente construidas. El megaproyecto hídrico Chone en Ecuador. Cuadernos de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia, 101, 127-148.[details]
Hommes, L., & Boelens, R. (2018). From natural flow to ‘working river’: hydropower development, modernity and socio-territorial transformations in Lima's Rímac watershed. Journal of Historical Geography, 62, 85-95. Advance online publication.[details]
Hommes, L., Boelens, R., Duarte-Abadía, B., Hidalgo-Bastidas, J. P., & Hoogesteger, J. (2018). Reconfiguration of hydrosocial territories and struggles for water justice. In R. Boelens, T. Perreault, & J. Vos (Eds.), Water Justice (pp. 151-168). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Mena-Vásconez, P., Vos, J., Van Ommen, P., & Boelens, R. (2018). Flores, Acaparamiento del Agua y Responsabilidad Empresarial Social: Certificación de la producción de rosas y reclamos por la justicia ambiental en el Ecuador. Cuadernos de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia, 101, 189-214.[details]
Perreault, T., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2018). Introduction: Governmentality, discourses and struggles over imaginaries and water knowledge. In R. Boelens, T. Perreault, & J. Vos (Eds.), Water Justice (pp. 276-282). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Sanchis Ibor, C., & Boelens, R. (2018). Gobernanza del agua y territorios hidrosociales: del análisis institucional a la ecología política. Cuadernos de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia, 101, 13-28.[details]
Sanchis Ibor, C., Boelens, R., & García-Mollá, M. (2018). Cambio tecnológico, privatización y recuperación de la autogestión comunitaria del riego. El caso de Senyera (València). Cuadernos de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia, 101, 91-106.[details]
Shah, E., Liebrand, J., Vos, J., Veldwisch, G. J., & Boelens, R. (2018). The UN World Water Development Report 2016, Water and Jobs: A Critical Review. Development and Change, 49(2), 678-691.[details]
Stoltenborg, D., & Boelens, R. (2018). Minería de oro: promesas, conflictos y desilusión en Cerro de San Pedro, México. Cuadernos de Geografia de la Universitat de Valencia, 101, 169-188.[details]
Swyngedouw, E., & Boelens, R. (2018). "… And not a single injustice remains”: Hydro-territorial colonization and techno-political transformations in Spain. In R. Boelens, T. Perreault, & J. Vos (Eds.), Water Justice (pp. 115-133). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Zwarteveen, M., Smit, H., Domínguez Guzmán, C., Fantini, E., Rap, E., van der Zaag, P., & Boelens, R. (2018). Accounting for Water: Questions of Environmental Representation in a Nonmodern World. In S. Lele, E. S. Brondizio, J. Byrne, G. M. Mace, & J. Martinez-Alier (Eds.), Rethinking Environmentalism: Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity (pp. 227-249). (Strüngmann Forum Reports ; No. 23). The MIT Press. [details]
van den Berge, J., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2018). Uniting diversity to build Europe’s Right2Water movement. In R. Boelens, T. Perreault, & J. Vos (Eds.), Water Justice (pp. 226-245). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Boelens, R., & Hoogesteger, J. (2017). Collective Action, Community and the Peasant Economy in Andean Highland Water Control. In D. Suhardiman, A. Nicol, & E. Mapedza (Eds.), Water Governance and Collective Action: Multi-scale Challenges (pp. 96-107). (Earthscan Water text series). Routledge.[details]
Boelens, R., Hoogesteger, J., Swyngedouw, E., & Vos, J. (2017). Territorios hidrosociales y gubernamentalidad: un enfoque desde la ecología política. In G. Vila Benites, & C. Bonelli (Eds.), A contracorriente: Agua y conflicto en América Latina (pp. 27-48). (Agua y Sociedad; Vol. 25). Abya Yala. [details]
Duarte-Abadía, B., & Boelens, R. (2017). El páramo de Santurbán, Colombia: disputas de la conceptualización y valoración de un territorio hidrosocial. In A. Arroyo Castillo, & E. Isch López (Eds.), Los Caminos del Agua (pp. 153-178). (Serie Agua y sociedad). Quito: Abya Yala. [details]
Hidalgo Bastidas, J. P., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2017). De-colonizing water: Dispossession, water insecurity, and Indigenous claims for resources, authority, and territory. Water History, 9(1), 67-85. Advance online publication.[details]
Hidalgo, J. P., Boelens, R., & Isch López, E. (2017). Sistema multipropósito de agua Jaime Roldós Aguilera: el territorio hidrosocial como escenario de disputa y resistencia. In A. Arroyo Castillo, & E. Isch López (Eds.), Los Caminos del Agua (pp. 109-132). (Serie Agua y sociedad). Quito: Abya Yala. [details]
Hommes, L., & Boelens, R. (2017). Urbanizing rural waters: Rural-urban water transfers and the reconfiguration of hydrosocial territories in Lima. Political Geography, 57, 71-80.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Boelens, R., & Baud, M. (2017). Territorial pluralism: water users’ multi-scalar struggles against state ordering in Ecuador’s highlands. In R. Boelens, B. Crow, J. Hoogesteger, F. Lu, E. Swyngedouw, & J. Vos (Eds.), Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (pp. 266-281). (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance). Routledge.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Vos, J., Boelens, R., Crow, B., Lu, F., & Swyngedouw, E. (2017). Introduction: Interweaving water struggles, the making of territory and social justice. In R. Boelens, B. Crow, J. Hoogesteger, F. Lu, E. Swyngedouw, & J. Vos (Eds.), Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (pp. 1-6). (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance). Routledge.[details]
Mena-Vásconez, P., Vincent, L., Vos, J., & Boelens, R. (2017). Fighting over water values: diverse framings of flower and food production with communal irrigation in the Ecuadorian Andes. Water International, 42(4), 443-461.[details]
Milagros, S., Boelens, R., & Zwarteveen, M. (2017). The Influence of Large Mining: Restructuring Water Rights among Rural Communities in Apurimac, Peru. Human Organization, 76(3), 215-226.[details]
Sanchis-Ibor, C., Boelens, R., & Garcia-Molla, M. (2017). Collective irrigation reloaded. Re-collection and re-moralization of water management after privatization in Spain. Geoforum, 87, 38-47.[details]
Stoltenborg, D., & Boelens, R. (2017). Goldmining, Dispossessing the Commons and Multi-Scalar Responses: The Case of Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico. In D. Suhardiman, A. Nicol, & E. Mapedza (Eds.), Water Governance and Collective Action: Multi-scale Challenges (pp. 120-130). (Earthscan Water text series). Routledge.[details]
Stoltenborg, D., & Boelens, R. (2017). Minería y conflictos sobre agua y tierra: el caso de la minería de oro en Cerro de San Pedro, México. In A. Arroyo Castillo, & E. Isch López (Eds.), Los Caminos del Agua (pp. 25-50). (Serie Agua y sociedad). Quito: Abya Yala. [details]
Valladares , C., & Boelens, R. (2017). Extractivism and the rights of nature: Governmentality, ‘convenient communities’ and epistemic pacts in Ecuador. Environmental Politics, 26(6), 1015-1034.[details]
Verzijl, A., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2017). Grassroots Scalar Politics in the Peruvian Andes: Mobilising Allies to Defend Community Waters in the Upper Pampas Watershed. In D. Suhardiman, A. Nicol, & E. Mapedza (Eds.), Water Governance and Collective Action: Multi-scale Challenges (pp. 34-45). (Earthscan Water text series). Routledge.[details]
Zwarteveen, M. Z., & Boelens, R. (2017). Defining, researching and struggling for water justice: some conceptual building blocks for research and action. In R. Boelens, B. Crow, J. Hoogesteger, F. Lu, E. Swyngedouw, & J. Vos (Eds.), Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (pp. 8-23). (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance). Routledge.[details]
Boelens, R., Hoogesteger, J., Swyngedouw, E., Vos, J., & Wester, P. (2016). Hydrosocial territories: A political ecology perspective. Water International, 41(1), 1-14.[details]
Duarte-Abadía, B., & Boelens, R. (2016). Disputes over territorial boundaries and diverging valuation languages: The Santurban hydrosocial highlands territory in Colombia. Water International, 41(1), 15-36.[details]
Hommes, L., Boelens, R., & Maat, H. (2016). Contested hydrosocial territories and disputed water governance: Struggles and competing claims over the Ilisu Dam development in southeastern Turkey. Geoforum, 71, 9-20.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Boelens, R., & Baud, M. (2016). Territorial pluralism: water users’ multi-scalar struggles against state ordering in Ecuador’s highlands. Water International, 41(1), 91-106.[details]
Mena-Vásconez, P., Boelens, R., & Vos, J. (2016). Food or flowers? Contested transformations of community food security and water use priorities under new legal and market regimes in Ecuador's highlands. Journal of Rural Studies, 44, 227-238.[details]
Rodríguez-de-Francisco, J. C., & Boelens, R. (2016). PES hydrosocial territories: De-territorialization and re-patterning of water control arenas in the Andean highlands. Water International, 41(1), 140-156.[details]
Stoltenborg, D., & Boelens, R. (2016). Disputes over land and water rights in gold mining: The case of Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico. Water International, 41(3), 447-467.[details]
Vos, J., & Boelens, R. A. (2016). The Politics and Consequences of Virtual Water Export. In P. Jackson, W. E. L. Spiess, & F. Sultana (Eds.), Eating, Drinking: Surviving: The International Year of Global Understanding - IYGU (pp. 31-41). (SpringerBriefs in Global Understanding). Springer.[details]
Yacoub, C., Vos, J., & Boelens, R. (2016). Territorios hidrosociales y minería en Cajamarca, Perú: Monitoreos ambientales como herramientas políticas. Agua y Territorio, 7, 163-175.[details]
Zeitoun, M., Lankford, B., Krueger, T., Forsyth, T., Carter, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Taylor, R., Varis, O., Cleaver, F., Boelens, R., Swatuk, L., Tickner, D., Scott, C. A., Mirumachi, N., & Matthews, N. (2016). Reductionist and integrative research approaches to complex water security policy challenges. Global Environmental Change, 39, 143-154.[details]
Boelens, R. (2015). Water, Power and Identity: The Cultural Politics of Water in the Andes. Abindon, Oxon: Routledge. [details]
Boelens, R., & Claudin, V. (2015). Rooted rights systems in turbulent waters: the dynamics of collective fishing rights in La Albufera, Valencia, Spain. Society & Natural Resources, 28(10), 1059-1074.[details]
Boelens, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Baud, M. (2015). Water reform governmentality in Ecuador: neoliberalism, centralization, and the restraining of polycentric authority and community rule-making. Geoforum, 64, 281-291. Advance online publication.[details]
Duarte, B., Boelens, R., & Yacoub, C. (2015). Hidroeléctricas: ¿energía limpia o destrucción socioecológica? In C. Yacoub, B. Duarte, & R. Boelens (Eds.), Agua y Ecología Política: El extractivismo en la agroexportación, la minería y las hidroeléctricas en Latinoamérica (pp. 199-203). Abya Yala. [details]
Duarte-Abadía, B., Boelens, R., & Roa-Avendaño, T. (2015). Hydropower, encroachment and the re-patterning of hydrosocial territory: the case of Hidrosogamoso in Colombia. Human Organization, 74(3), 243-254.[details]
Peña, F., Duarte, B., Yacoub, C., & Boelens, R. (2015). Agronegocios y concentración de agua en América Latina ¿alimentos, abundancia, desarrollo? In C. Yacoub, B. Duarte, & R. Boelens (Eds.), Agua y Ecología Política: El extractivismo en la agroexportación, la minería y las hidroeléctricas en Latinoamérica (pp. 33-43). Abya Yala. [details]
Rodriguez de Francisco, J. C., & Boelens, R. (2015). Payment for environmental services: mobilising an epistemic community to construct dominant policy. Environmental Politics, 24(3), 481-500.[details]
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