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Fabio de Castro is senior lecturer at CEDLA, the Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is coordinator of the Master Programme in Latin American Studies and chair of the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (NALACS) - His teaching and research activities are related to environment and society issues in Latin America, including environmental justice, socioenvironmental movements, environmental politics and sustainable production systems. He has collaborated in several international research projects such as ENGOV (EU 7th Framework), RRING (Horizon2020), AGENTS (Belmont Forum/NORFACE). He is currently the co-PI of LINKAGES (NWO/FAPESP) which focuses on value chains of sociobiodiversity products in the Amazon basin (
Tubino de Souza, D., Boelens, R. A., Hogenboom, B. B., & de Castro, F. (2024). River co-learning arenas: principles and practices for transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation and multi-scalar (inter)action. Local Environment.
de Castro, F., Brondizio, E., Futemma, C., de Theije, M. E. M., Russo Lopes, G., & Ramos de Moraes, A. (2024). Beyond “green markets” and local romanticisms for a locally grounded bioeconomy in Amazonia. One Earth, 7(11).
Boelens, R., Escobar, A., Bakker, K., Hommes, L., Swyngedouw, E., Hogenboom, B., Huijbens, E. H., Jackson, S., Vos, J., Harris, L. M., Joy, K. J., de Castro, F., Duarte-Abadía, B., Tubino de Souza, D., Lotz-Sisitka, H., Hernández-Mora, N., Martínez-Alier, J., Roca-Servat, D., Perreault, T., ... Wantzen, K. M. (2023). Riverhood: political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 50(3), 1125–1156. Advance online publication.[details]
Hoogesteger, J., Suhardiman, D., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., Duarte‐Abadía , B., Hidalgo-Bastidas, J. P., Liebrand, J., Hernández‐Mora, N., Manorom, K., Veldwisch, G. J., & Vos, J. (2023). River Commoning and the State: A Cross‐Country Analysis of River Defense Collectives. Politics and Governance, 11(2), 280-292.[details]
Londres, M., Salk, C., Andersson, K. P., Tengö , M., Brondizio, E. S., Russo Lopes, G., Siani, S. M. O., Molina-Garzón, A., Sonetti-Gonzáles, T., Rázuri Montoya, D., Futemma, C., de Castro, F., & Tourne, D. C. M. (2023). Place-based solutions for global social-ecological dilemmas: An analysis of locally grounded, diversified, and cross-scalar initiatives in the Amazon. Global Environmental Change, 82, Article 102718.[details]
Sonetti-González, T., García, M. M., Tengö, M., Tourne, D. C. M., de Castro, F., & Futemma, C. R. T. (2023). Foregrounding Amazonian women through decolonial and process-relational perspectives for transdisciplinary transformation. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), Article 2260503.[details]
Brondizio, E. S., Andersson, K., de Castro, F., Futemma, C., Salk, C., Tengö, M., Londres, M., Tourne, D. C. M., Gonzalez, T. S., Molina-Garzón, A., Russo Lopes, G., & Siani, S. M. O. (2021). Making place-based sustainability initiatives visible in the Brazilian Amazon. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 66-78.[details]
Castellanos-Navarrete, A., de Castro, F., & Pacheco, P. (2021). The impact of oil palm on rural livelihoods and tropical forest landscapes in Latin America. Journal of Rural Studies, 81, 294-304.[details]
Wakunuma, K., de Castro, F., Jiya, T., Inigo, E. A., Blok, V., & Bryce, V. (2021). Reconceptualising responsible research and innovation from a Global South perspective. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 8(2), 267-291.[details]
de Castro, F., & Futemma, C. (2021). Farm Knowledge Co-Production at an Old Amazonian Frontier: Case of the Agroforestry System in Tomé-Açu, Brazil. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 8, Article 3. Advance online publication.[details]
Dupuits, E., Baud, J., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., & Hogenboom, B. (2020). Scaling up but losing out? Water commons' dilemmas between transnational movements and grassroots struggles in Latin America. Ecological Economics, 172, Article 106625.[details]
Futemma, C., de Castro, F., & Brondizio, E. S. (2020). Farmers and Social Innovations in Rural Development: Collaborative Arrangements in Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Land Use Policy, 99, Article 104999.[details]
Otsuki, K., & de Castro, F. (2020). Solidarity Economy in Brazil: Towards Institutionalization of Sharing and Agroecological Practices. In O. Saito (Ed.), Sharing Ecosystem Services: Building more Sustainable and Resilient Society (pp. 159-178). (Science for Sustainable Societies). Springer.[details]
Santos Prado, D., de Castro, F., & Simão Seixas, C. (2020). The dramas of the Marine Extractive Reserve managers in Brazil: Navigating through multiple institutions. Society & Natural Resources, 33(5), 651-668. Advance online publication.[details]
Baud, M., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., Hogenboom, B., Klaufus, C., Koonings, K., & Ypeij, A. (2019). Commoning Xela: Negotiating collective spaces around a Central American intermediate city. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 108, 267-279.[details]
Brandão, F., de Castro, F., & Futemma, C. (2019). Between structural change and local agency in the palm oil sector: Interactions, heterogeneities and landscape transformations in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Rural Studies, 71, 156-168.[details]
Simão Seixas, C., Davidson-Hunt, I., Kalikoski, D. C., Davy, B., Berkes, F., de Castro, F., Pereira Medeiros, R., Minte-Vera, C. V., & Araujo, L. G. (2019). Collaborative coastal management in Brazil: Advances, challenges, and opportunities. In S. Salas, M. J. Barragán-Paladines, & R. Chuenpagdee (Eds.), Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and The Caribbean (pp. 425-451). (MARE Publication Series ; Vol. 19). Springer. Advance online publication.[details]
de Mattos Vieira, M. A. R., de Castro, F., & Shepard, G. H. (2019). Who Sets the Rules? Institutional Misfits and Bricolage in Hunting Management in Brazil. Human Ecology, 47(3), 369-380.[details]
Pezzuti, J., de Castro, F., McGrath, D. G., Miorando, P. S., Sá Leitão Barboza, R., & Carneiro Romagnoli, F. (2018). Commoning in dynamic environments: community-based management of turtle nesting sites on the lower Amazon floodplain. Ecology and Society, 23(3), Article 36.[details]
Eelderink, M., Vervoort, J., Snel, D., & de Castro, F. (2017). Harnessing the plurality of actor frames in social-ecological systems: Ecological sanitation in Bolivia. Development in Practice, 27(3), 275-287.[details]
de Araujo, L. G., de Castro, F., de Freitas, R. R., de Mattos Vieira, M. A. R., & Seixas, C. S. (2017). Struggles for inclusive development in small-scale fisheries in Paraty, Southeastern Coast of Brazil. Ocean & Coastal Management, 150, 24-34.[details]
Gasalla, M. A., & de Castro, F. (2016). Enhancing stewardship in Latin America and Caribbean small-scale fisheries: challenges and opportunities. MAST: Maritime studies, 15, Article 15.[details]
Neleman, S., & de Castro, F. (2016). Between nature and the city: Youth and ecotourism in an Amazonian ‘forest town’ on the Brazilian Atlantic Coast. Journal of Ecotourism, 15(3), 261-284. Advance online publication.[details]
de Castro, F. (2016). Local politics of floodplain tenure in the Amazon. The International Journal of the Commons, 10(1), 1-20.[details]
Gerhardingen, L. C., de Castro, F., & Seixas, C. S. (2015). Scaling-up small-scale fisheries governability through Marine Protected Areas in Southern Brazil. In S. Jentoft, & R. Chuenpagdee (Eds.), Interactive Governance for Small-Scale Fisheries: Global Reflections (pp. 339-357). (MARE Publication Series; Vol. 13). Springer.[details]
Rocha Braga, A. C., Futemma, C., & de Castro, F. (2015). Políticas ambientais para unidades de conservação no Estado de São Paulo. In F. De Castro, & C. Futemma (Eds.), Governança Ambiental no Brasil: Entre o Socioambientalismo e a Economia Verde (pp. 207-235). Paco Editorial. [details]
Gomes de Araujo, L., de Mattos Vieira, M. A. R., Simão Seixas, C., & de Castro, F. (2014). A gestão da pesca em Paraty: Legislação, arenas e processos. In A. Begossi, & P. F. M. Lopes (Eds.), Paraty Small-Scale Fisheries = Comunidades pesqueiras de Paraty: Suggestions for Management = Sugestões para manejo (pp. 189-219). RIMA. [details]
Hogenboom, B., Baud, M., de Castro, F., & Walter, M. (2014). La gobernanza ambiental en América Latina. Mapeando miradas, dinámicas y experiencias. Ecología Política, 48, 14-17.[details]
de Castro, F. (2014). Environmental Policies in the Lula Era: Accomplishments and Contradictions. In F. de Castro, K. Koonings, & M. Wiesebron (Eds.), Brazil Under the Workers’ Party: Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma (pp. 229-255). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Baud, M., de Castro, F., & Hogenboom, B. (2011). Environmental governance in Latin America: towards an integrative research agenda. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 90, 79-88.[details]
de Castro, F., Hogenboom, B., & Baud, M. (2016). Introduction: Environment and Society in Contemporary Latin America. In F. de Castro, B. Hogenboom, & M. Baud (Eds.), Environmental Governance in Latin America (pp. 1-25). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Begossi, A., Berkes, F., de Castro, F., Lopes, P. F. M., Seixas, C., & Silvano, R. A. M. (2014). The Paraty fishery in the context of co-management and Latin American fisheries. In A. Begossi, & P. F. M. Lopes (Eds.), Paraty Small-Scale Fisheries = Commuidades pesqueiras de Paraty: Suggestions for Management = sugestões para manejo (pp. xxiii-xxxv). RIMA. [details]
Koonings, K., de Castro, F., & Wiesebron, M. (2014). Introduction: Brazil Under the Workers’ Party. In F. de Castro, K. Koonings, & M. Wiesebron (Eds.), Brazil Under the Workers’ Party: Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma (pp. 1-9). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
de Castro, F., Koonings, K., & Wiesebron, M. (Eds.) (2014). Brazil Under the Workers’ Party: Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma. Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Ypeij, A., Hogenboom, B., Klaufus, C., de Castro, F., Koonings, K., Baud, M., & Boelens, R. (2018). Xela stories of transformation: A commons perspectives on (peri-)urban resource use, territoriality, and cultural representation. Web publication or website, CEDLA-UvA.[details]
de Castro, F., McMichael, C. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Beyond the canopy: Spatial analysis of the anthropogenic forest and social-ecological function nexus in the Amazon.
de Castro, F., Hickey, C., Burgers, L., Fermeglia, M. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Rights of Nature: Through the Looking Glass.
de Castro, F., Poleykett, B., Ibanez Martin, R. & van Dam, P. (2023). A planetary food commons for healthy and sustainable diets.
de Castro, F. (2022). Local and Indigenous Knowledge for an Amazonian Grounded (Bio) Economies (LINKAGES).
de Castro, F. (10-03-2021). Braziliaans Hooggerechtshof effent pad voor comeback Lula [Web] De Standaard. Braziliaans Hooggerechtshof effent pad voor comeback Lula.
de Castro, F. (20-11-2020). Corona treft inheemse groepen tot vijf keer harder [Web] De Standaard. ‘Corona treft inheemse groepen tot vijf keer harder’.
de Castro, F. (01-04-2020). Bolsonaro is een gewaarschuwd man De Standaard. Bolsonaro is een gewaarschuwd man.
de Castro, F. (editor) & Gasalla, M. (editor) (2016). MAST, Maritime Studies (Journal).
de Castro, F. (member of editorial board) (2013-2018). Ambiente & Sociedade (Journal).
de Castro, F. (member of editorial board) (2008-2018). Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (Journal).
Talk / presentation
de Castro, F. (speaker) (31-12-7). Brazil: Setting the stage for the COP30, COP 28 Event - Dutch United Nations Student Association Lecture, Amsterdam.
de Castro, F. (speaker) (20-6-2024). Building collective knowledge and practices on value chain of sociobiodiversity products in the Amazon: Challenges and opportunities of transdisciplinary encounters, Commons, Polycentricity, Democracy, Bloomington.
de Castro, F. (speaker) & Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) (10-6-2024). Pathways toward a grounded bioeconomy: Insights from sociobiodiversity value-chains in the Brazilian Amazon, Political Ecology Network Conference, Lund.
de Castro, F. (keynote speaker) (8-12-2020). Justiça Ambiental na América Latina: Conectando Direitos Humanos com Direito da Natureza, NEPEDI - UERJ.
de Castro, F. (keynote speaker) (27-11-2019). Amazon on Fire: Symptoms of a Political Crisis, Wereldse Ontmoetingen, Tilburg.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (27-11-2019). Brazilie: Land op de dool?, Festival van de Gelijkheid.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (12-11-2019). Governance of Natural Resources in Latin America, Haagse Hogeschool/ TH Rijswijk.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (14-10-2019). Amazon on Fire: What does the NL have to do with it?, Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy.
de Castro, F. (speaker) (20-9-2019). Amazon on Fire: Some Provocative Reflections.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (8-7-2019). Gobernanza Ambiental de la Amazonia, UNAP-Iquitos.
de Castro, F. (keynote speaker) (8-7-2019). El Dilema de la Riqueza Natural en America Latina: Retos para un Desarrollo Sostenible, Conferencia Internacional Amazonía sostenible, Iquitos.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (5-7-2019). The Latin America Commons: A Research Agenda, XVII Biennial IASC-Conference , Lima.
de Castro, F. (speaker) (2-7-2019). The wicked circle hypothesis: Commons/social movement nexus on ethnic territories in the Brazilian Amazon, XVII Biennial IASC-Conference , Lima.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (13-4-2019). Responsible Research and Innovation: Lessons from Latin America, II APEB-NL International Conference, Delft.
de Castro, F. (keynote speaker) (6-4-2019). Struggles over the Latin America Commons: Between Hegemony and Transformation, BASIS Conference - Environmental Issues, The Hague.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (28-3-2019). New Wave of Socio-Environmental Mobilization in Brazil: Opportunities and Threats, Marginalized Groups in Brazil, Leiden.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (22-3-2019). The (un)making of environmental and territorial policies in Brazil, Bolsonaro's Brazil: , Amsterdam.
de Castro, F. (invited speaker) (15-3-2019). The Rise and Fall of the ‘Green’ StatePeople, Nature and Commodities, Brazilian Politics, Policies and Citizenship, Nijmegen.
de Castro, F. (speaker) (12-12-2017). Latin America Commons in the Midst of Change: Crisis and Opportunities, Co-Lab The Commons in Latin America: Struggles, policies and research, Amsterdam.
de Castro, F. (speaker) (9-6-2017). Adaptive Strategies among the Rural Elite in Brazil, Inequalities and Power Struggles in Contemporary Brazil, Berlin.
de Castro, F. (participant), Futemma, C. (participant), Brondizio, E. (participant) & Ramos de Moraes, A. (participant) (2024). The Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 7Conference, Bloomington. Presentation of the paper ''Building collective knowledge and practices on value chain of sociobiodiversity products in the Amazon: challengesand (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Londres, M. (other), Andersson, K. (other), Salk, C. (other), Tengo, M. (other), Brondizio, E. (other), Russo Lopes, G. (other), Siani, S. (other), Molina-Garzón, A. (other), Sonetti-Gonzales, T. (other), Razuri Montoya, D. (other), Futemma, C. (other), de Castro, F. (other) & Tourne, D. (other) (2024). Strengthening Place-Based Initiatives for Bottom-up Sustainable Development in the Amazon (other).
de Castro, F. (participant) (8-11-2023). EcoEco 2023, Santarem. Paper presentation 'Da bioeconomia para umasociobioeconomia da Amazonia: O papel das cadeias de valor de produtos dasociobiodiversidade com base (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Fuentealba, R. (organiser), Carraro, V. (organiser), Paiva Henrique, K. (organiser) & de Castro, F. (organiser) (1-11-2023). Northern European Emergency and Disaster Studies Conference, Enschende. Organization of the panel Latinx perspectives on slow disasters: Conceptual reflections from Latin America and beyond (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (28-2-2022). Energy Governance in Brazil: Meeting the international agreements on climate change mitigation (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (25-6-2021). Imaginarios hidrosociales, utopías contestadas y luchas territoriales en Colombia y España (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (4-12-2020). The role of non-timber forest products in the sustainability of social-ecological systems: A critical analysis of selected case studies in the Brazilian Cerrado (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (26-8-2020). Hydro-socioterritorial struggles: Shifting of water rights frameworks in Bolivia (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (17-3-2020). A ditadura militar e a governança da água no Brasil: Ideologia, poderes econômico-político e sociedade civil na construção das hidrelétricas de grande porte (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (14-3-2020). Scalar Mismatches in Metropolitan Water Governance: A Comparative Study of São Paulo and Mexico City (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (4-10-2019). Processos de cogestao e seus avancos em reservas extrativistas costeiras e marinhas do Brasil (examination).
de Castro, F. (organiser) (2-7-2019). XVII Biennial IASC-Conference, Lima. Co-organizer of the panel 'Social movements and the commons' (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (15-4-2019). Biofuel Governance in Brazil and the EU (examination).
de Castro, F. (organiser) (22-3-2019). Bolsonaro's Brazil:, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Ypeij, A. (organiser) & de Castro, F. (organiser) (12-12-2017 - 13-12-2017). Co-Lab The Commons in Latin America: Struggles, policies and research, Amsterdam. Co-organization together with Fabio de Castro (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
de Castro, F. (participant) (11-7-2017). IASC, Utrecht, Utrecht. Paper co-authorship (with Debora Prado and Cristiana Seixas) 'Co-management processes and advances involving new commons: Coastal and marine (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
de Castro, F. (participant) (11-7-2017). IASC, Utrecht, Utrecht. Paper presentation 'Environmental governance under multiple crises: New threats to the commons in Brazil' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
de Castro, F. (participant) (30-4-2017). LASA Conference, Lima, Peru. Paper presentation 'Greening Commodities and Commodifying the Green: New adaptive strategies from rural elites in Brazil' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (9-12-2016). Peoples, Parks, and Public Policies in the Twenty-first Century: Human security and the political ecologies of the Brazilian Amazon. Reflections from the mosaic of protected areas of the Lower River Negro, Amazonas (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (9-6-2016). The social impacts of large projects on Indigenous Peoples: Procedures, processes and protests (examination).
de Castro, F. (examiner) (24-3-2014). Las concesiones forestales comunitarias Guatemala: De territorios en disputa territorialidades ensampladas (examination).
Bavinck, M. (participant), Coulthard, S. L. (participant), Bush, S. (participant), Roth, D. (participant) & de Castro, F. (participant) (6-7-2011 - 9-7-2011). MARE People and The Sea: bridging science and policy for sustainable coasts and seas, Amsterdam. Co-organiser (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Russo Lopes, G. (2023). Forest-making in agrarian frontiers: Place-based transformative pathways toward sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Rosemann, A. & Castro, F. (24-6-2021). Data Matrix Theme-Specific Analysis of the Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RSSR): Ethics and Ethical Governance. Zenodo.
Castro, F. & Kgwadi, B. (24-6-2021). Data Matrix Theme-Specific Analysis of the Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RSSR): Public and Stakeholder Engagement. Zenodo.
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