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Drs. P. (Paul) van Dijk MA

Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies
Area of expertise: Russia, politics, political history, citizenship, rural history, imperialism, colonialism, modernization, Russian empire

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D3.03
Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Raised in a village on the Veluwe, I nevertheless received my BA and MA degrees (Utrecht University, cum laude) in 2013 and 2018. I graduated on land conflict and development of citizenship in the late nineteenth century among Russian peasant colonists in Bashkiria, a border region in the southern Urals. Before I focused on Russia, I worked on East and Southeast Asia, especially the Dutch East Indies. That history will always be a part of me.


    You could say that I am interested in the countryside in the broadest sense of the word. I find it fascinating how matters like imperialism and colonialism, economic and administrative integration and modernization found their expression in agrarian changes. Agriculture and life in the countryside are no neutral given, after all, but are through and through political. I study the changing political system in the Russian empire after 1861 by looking at the so-called land question, also known as the ‘agrarian question’ or ‘peasant question’, as an arena in which all kinds of people and interests clashed and coalesced. This I do in the Baltic province of Livland and Bashkiria’s central province of Ufa.


    Apart from my study of politics in Russia’s imperial past, I also write or talk about the (changing) political system of Putin’s Russia.

  • Publications


    • van Dijk, P. (2022). A Land to Call Their Own: Colonization of the Bashkir Steppe, Land Conflicts and Situational Identities in the Russian Empire, 1861-1917. In L. Bellia, F. Casales, E. Ciappi, & C. Marchi (Eds.), Conflicting Subjects: Between Clash and Recognition (pp. 29-44). Pavia University Press.


    • van Dijk, P. (2017). Peter Frankopan, The Silk Roads. A New History of the World. London: Bloomsbury, 2016, xix + 636pp., £10.99 p/b. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(4), 699-700.


    • van Dijk, P. (2022). A Land to Call Their Own: Bashkir Steppes, Russian Colonists and Citizenship in the Russian Empire, 1861-1917. Paper presented at Soggetti in conflitto. Tra scontro e riconoscimento, Pavia, Italy.
    • van Dijk, P. (2022). Knowing the Imperial, Understanding Its Environment: The “Imperial Situation” of Changing Land Use and Public Health in Two Peripheries of the Russian Empire, Livland and Ufa provinces, 1861-1917. Paper presented at National Research School Political History: International Conference , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Dijk, P. (2022). What made late imperial Russia an empire?. Poster session presented at National Research School Political History: International Conference , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Dijk, P. (2022). “Region” as synthetic a priori knowledge?. Paper presented at ARTES PhD Conference “Area Studies in Times of Crisis”, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Regional Transnational and European Studies, June 10-11, 2022., Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Prize / grant

    • van Dijk, P. (2019). Faculty of Humanities RMA Thesis Award 2019-2020.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (25-2-2025). Vladimir Putin and the Changing Political System in Russia since 2000, Clio Night of IR.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (21-9-2022). Smert’ bashkira, vozrozhdenie baltiiskogo pomeshchika: rol’ zhivotnovodstvo v Ufimskoi i Lifliandskoi guberniiakh v transformatsiiakh imperskikh ierarkhii v poreferomennyi period, Akademicheskaia gumanitarnaia nauka v XX-nachale XXI veka, Ufa.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (24-5-2022). Russia in five centuries of colonization(s), Von der Dunklezing, Utrecht.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (2022). Experimenting with Empire: the Land Question and Imperial Hierarchies in the Russian Borderlands, Livland and Ufa provinces, 1861-1917, Colonial Cities and Border Regions in the Long 19th Century in Inter-imperial and Intra-imperial Comparisons , Marburg.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (2022). Grazing or Ploughing for the Empire?, Livestock as Global and Imperial Commodities, Berlin.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (4-11-2019). Geschiedenis in de verleden tijd?, Jonge Democraten Utrecht.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (13-4-2017). ‘“Oktober 1917”: Voorbij goed en kwaad?, Scholierencongres Rusland: Ten days that Shook the World., Amsterdam.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (2017). Introduction, Revolutie en Rusland, Utrecht.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (3-2016). Doing Historical Research in Russia and the Netherlands, Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Management under the Auspices of the Republic of Bashkortostan .
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (3-2016). Ethnic identities of Russian peasants and land disputes in Bashkiria, 1861-1917, Bashkir State University.
    • van Dijk, P. (speaker) (3-7-2014). Reconfiguring the Revolution. On the nature and social function of Bolshevik rituals, 1917-1928, Universiteit Utrecht RMA Conference, Utrecht.


    • van Dijk, P. (participant) (24-6-2022). National Research School Political History: International Conference, Amsterdam. Panel organizer ‘Writing the Environment in Empire’ (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, P. (participant) (10-6-2022). ARTES PhD Conference “Area Studies in Times of Crisis”, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Regional Transnational and European Studies, June 10-11, 2022., Amsterdam. Roundtable discussant (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, P. (participant) (2017). Revolutie en Rusland, Utrecht. I founded the Russian History seminar group at Utrecht University in 2016 and organized the national conference. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


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  • Ancillary activities
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