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Fermeglia, M., Alogna, I., Billiet, C. (Ed.), & Holzhausen, A. (Ed.) (2024). Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Regional, Comparative and Sectoral Perspectives. Larcier Intersentia.
Monti, A., & Fermeglia, M. (2024). The FET Standard between Treaty Reform and ISDS Practice: An Analysis of the Modernized ECT. Journal of International Arbitration, 41(2), 155-178.[details]
Fermeglia, M. (2023). Adjudicating Environmental Matters Before Investor-State Dispute Settlement Tribunals: A Question of Legitimacy. In Environmental Law before the Courts: A US-EU Narrative (pp. 325-342). Springer International Publishing.
Fermeglia, M. (2023). Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 20(3-4), 373-381.[details]
Fermeglia, M. (2023). When decentralisation strikes back: The example of climate governance in Belgium. Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federals, 37, 93-126.
Fermeglia, M., & Luporini, R. (2023). ‘Urgenda-Style’ Strategic Climate Change Litigation in Italy: A Tale of Human Rights and Torts? Chinese Journal of Environmental Law, 7(2), 245-260.[details]
Fermeglia, M., & Perišić, M. (2023). Nature-Based Solution to Man-Made Problems: Fostering the Uptake of Phytoremediation and Low-iluc Biofuels in the EU. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 20(2), 145-167.
Fermeglia, M., & Perišić, M. (2023). Unpacking the legal conundrum of nature-based soil remediation and sustainable biofuels production in the European Union. Soil Security, 13, Article 100109.
Cannas, F., & Fermeglia, M. (2022). Environmental neutrality: Redesigning EU VAT neutrality to support the implementation of the European Green Deal. In Green Deals in the Making: Perspectives from Across the Globe (pp. 62-79). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
Fermeglia, M. (2022). Building Back Greener: Environmental and Climate Protection in the EU in the Post Covid-19 Era. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 19(1-2), 5-8.
Fermeglia, M. (2022). Contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN). In A. Jézéquel, M. Torre-Schaub, B. Lormeteau, & A. Michelot (Eds.), Dictionnaire juridique du changement climatique (pp. 145-149). Mare & Martin Droit & Science politique.
Fermeglia, M. (2022). Is the Show Going Green? An Update on FIFA’s Climate Policy and the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Carbon & Climate Law Review, 16(4), 276-280.
Fermeglia, M. (2022). Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 19(1-2), 129-137.
Fermeglia, M., & Pedrosa, K. (2022). Planning for Citizens' Health: Towards an Integrated Approach to Air and Noise Pollution in the EU. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 19(1-2), 9-30.
Cannas, F., & Fermeglia, M. (2021). Reconciling EU tax and environmental policies: VAT as a vehicle to boost green consumerism under the EU Green Deal. In Environmental Taxation in the Pandemic Era: Opportunities and Challenges (pp. 81-94). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
De Santis, G., & Fermeglia, M. (2021). Water Quality Control Policies and the Criminalisation of Pollution. In Global Issues in Water Policy (pp. 147-177). (Global Issues in Water Policy; Vol. 28). Springer Science and Business Media B.V..
Fermeglia, M. (2021). Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI): Implications for EU Climate and Environmental Law. In Environmental Law for Transitions to Sustainability (pp. 147-161). (European Environmental Law Forum). Larcier Intersentia.
Fermeglia, M. (2021). European legal regimes for the protection of migrants and refugees in 2020. In Forced Migrations and Refugees in the Mediterranean Basin and the MENA Region (pp. 109-143). Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Fermeglia, M. (2021). Recent developments in EU environmental policy and legislation. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 18(3), 313-323.
Piccoli, T., Fermeglia, M., Bosich, D., Bevilacqua, P., & Sulligoi, G. (2021). Environmental assessment and regulatory aspects of cold ironing planning for a maritime route in the adriatic sea. Energies, 14(18), Article 5836.
Fermeglia, M. (2020). Climate science before the courts: Turning the tide in climate change litigation. In Ecological Integrity in Science and Law (pp. 23-36). Springer International Publishing.
Fermeglia, M. (2020). Comparative Law and Climate Change. In Ius Gentium (pp. 237-259). (Ius Gentium; Vol. 77). Springer Science and Business Media B.V..
Fermeglia, M. (2020). SOIL FUNCTIONS AND SOIL PROTECTION IN THE ERA OF CLIMATE CHANGE: A MULTILEVEL PERSPECTIVE. In Encyclopedia of Climate Change: Volume 11: (11 Volume Set) (pp. 139-154). Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Fermeglia, M., & Mistura, A. (2020). The Fate of EU Environmental and Investment Law after the Achmea Decision. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 17(1), 29-46.
Fermeglia, M., Bevilacqua, P., Cafaro, C., Ceci, P., & Fardelli, A. (2020). Legal pathways to coal phase-out in Italy in 2025. Energies, 13(21), Article 5605.
Iliopoulos, T. G., Fermeglia, M., & Vanheusden, B. (2020). The EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework: How net metering slips through its net. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 29(2), 245-256.
Bevilacqua, P., Fermeglia, M., Toneatti, L., & Dore, S. (2018). "The Italian Job": Approaching and tackling diffuse soil pollution in the eu and the Italian context. Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law, 15(2), 127-146.
Fermeglia, M., & Lobel, N. (2018). Investment Protection and “Unrburnable Carbon”: Competing Commitments in International Investment and Climate Governance. Diritto del Commercio Internazionale - The Law of International Trade, 32(4), 945-976.
Fermeglia, M. (2017). The Show Must Be Green: Hosting Mega-Sporting Events in the Climate Change Context. Carbon & Climate Law Review, 11(2), 100-109.
Ortner, M., Otto, H. J., Brunbauer, L., Kick, C., Eschen, M., Sanchis, S., Matanzas Valtuille, N., Catalan Merlos, A., Zeremski, T., Jeromela, A., Milic, S., Szlek, A., Petela, K., Simla, T., Grassi, A., Capaccioli, S., Fermeglia, M., Vanheusden, B., Perišić, M., ... Klein, V. (2023). PHYTOREMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SITES TO PRODUCE FEEDSTOCK FOR SUSTAINABLE BIOFUELS. 142-150. Paper presented at 31st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, EUBCE 2023, Bologna, Italy.
Ortner, M., Otto, H. J., Brunbauer, L., Kick, C., Eschen, M., Sanchis, S., Audino, F., Zeremski, T., Szlek, A., Petela, K., Grassi, A., Capaccioli, S., Fermeglia, M., Vanheusden, B., Perišić, M., Young, B., Trickovic, J., Kidikas, Z., Gavrilović, O., ... Klein, V. (2022). CLEAN BIOFUEL PRODUCTION AND PHYTOREMEDIATION SOLUTIONS FROM CONTAMINATED LANDS WORLDWIDE. 170-177. Paper presented at 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, EUBCE 2022, Virtual, Online.
de Castro, F., Hickey, C., Burgers, L., Fermeglia, M. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Rights of Nature: Through the Looking Glass.
Fermeglia, M. (2023). SDG-Governance – Assessing climate governance mechanisms to advance the SDGs in Belgium and South Africa.
Fermeglia, M. (2022). Damages Assessment and Evaluation Methods of Energy Infrastructures in International Investment Law: Dissecting the Interplay with Climate Change and International Economic Law.
Fermeglia, M. (2022). Flemish Research Agency (FWO) Scientific Research Network: Climate Change Law in Europe.
Fermeglia, M. (2021). A global approach for recovery of arable land through improved phytoremediation coupled with advanced liquid biofuel production and climate friendly copper smelting process (Phy2Climate).
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