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L.J. (Lisa) Herbig MSc

Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies

Visiting address
  • Spuistraat 134
Contact details
  • Profile

    Lisa Herbig is a PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam and the Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam working within the COVIDEU project. In her thesis she focuses on the public justification of restrictive measures and the effects thereof. Specifically, her research is concerned with the justification of border policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and the so-called migration crisis in Germany. To learn more about those topics she applies various quantitative (DiD designs), qualitative (content analysis), text-as-data and experimental methods (factorial survey experiments).

    Previously, Lisa has worked on the Viral Communication Project, which explored changes in public opinion through the course of the pandemic in Germany. Topics covered in the project included the support for preventive measures, vaccination willingness, trust in political and scientific actors as well as conspiracy beliefs.

    Lisa holds a Master in Intercultural Psychology from Osnabrück University and a Bachelor in Psychology from the Goethe University Frankfurt.

  • Publications


    • Herbig, L. J., Unan, A., Kuhn, T., Rodriguez, I., Rodon, T., & Kluever, H. (in press). Closed borders, closed minds? COVID-related border closures, EU support and hostility towards immigrants. European Journal of Political Research.
    • Rodriguez, I., Rodon, T., Unan, A., Herbig, L. J., Kluever, H., & Kuhn, T. (2025). Benchmarking pandemic response: How the UK’s COVID-19 vaccine roll-out impacted popular support for the EU. British Journal of Political Science, 55.


    • Wagoner, B., & Herbig, L. (2023). The Future of the Past: Memory and social change following the COVID-19 pandemic. In G. Donnelly, & A. Montuori (Eds.), Routledge Handbook for Creative Futures (pp. 269-279). Routledge. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Watzlawik, M., Herbig, L., Pfleger, A., Lorenz, L., & Rausch, M. (2023). Impfen ja oder nein? Die Corona-Impfung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Individuum und Gesellschaft. In Soziale, kulturelle, ökonomische und globale Dimensionen der SARS-CoV2-Pandemie und der Strategien zu ihrer Eindämmung (pp. 98-121). (Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften ; Vol. 54). Argumente Verlag. [details]


    • Herbig, L., Wagoner, B., Watzlawik, M., Jensen, E. A., Lorenz, L., & Pfleger, A. (2022). Trajectories of Experience Through the Pandemic: A Qualitative Longitudinal Dataset. Frontiers in Political Science, 4, Article 791494. [details]
    • Jensen, E. A., Pfleger, A., Lorenz, L., Jensen, A. M., Wagoner, B., Watzlawik, M., & Herbig, L. (2022). Life Trajectories Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Repeated Measures Diary Survey Dataset From 2020-2021. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 817648. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Wagoner, B., Brescó de Luna, I., & Herbig, L. (2022). Studying the Stream of Experience at Memorial Sites: The Subjective Camera Methodology. In M. Watzlawik, & S. Salden (Eds.), Courageous Methods in Cultural Psychology (pp. 107-129). (Theory and History in the Human and Social Sciences). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Jensen, E. A., Pfleger, A., Herbig, L., Wagoner, B., Lorenz, L., & Watzlawik, M. (2021). What Drives Belief in Vaccination Conspiracy Theories in Germany? Frontiers in Communication, 6, Article 678335.
    • Jensen, E. A., Pfleger, A., Lorenz, L., Jensen, A. M., Wagoner, B., Watzlawik, M., & Herbig, L. J. (2021). A Repeated Measures Dataset on Public Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Norms, Attitudes, Behaviors, Conspiracy Thinking, and (Mis)Information. Frontiers in Communication, 6, Article 789272.
    • Jensen, E. A., Wagoner, B., Pfleger, A., Herbig, L. J., & Watzlawik, M. (2021). Making sense of unfamiliar COVID-19 vaccines: How national origin affects vaccination willingness. PLoS ONE, 16(12), Article e0261273.


    • Bresco De Luna, I., Wagoner, B., & Herbig, L. J. (2020). Memorials, movement and the method of subjective cameras: A multimodal study of person-environment interactions. QMiP Bulletin, (30), 7-17.


    • Herbig, L. (participant) (4-7-2024 - 6-7-2024). European Political Science Association: Annual Conference, Cologne (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Herbig, L. (participant) (19-6-2024 - 21-6-2024). 12th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Lisbon (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Herbig, L. (participant) (21-6-2023 - 24-6-2023). European Political Science Association, Glasgow . Paper presentation: When the line becomes a wall: The effect of intra-EU border closures on European identity during the COVID-19 pandemic (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Herbig, L. (participant) (13-4-2023 - 16-4-2023). MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago. Paper presentation: When the line becomes a wall: The effect of intra-EU border closures on European identity during the COVID-19 pandemic (together (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Herbig, L. (participant) & Wagoner, B. (participant) (13-10-2022 - 14-10-2022). Memory Studies Association - NordicAnnual Conference, Reykjavik. Making sense of the Pandemic through Historical Analogies (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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