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Dr. ir. C.J. (Christien) Klaufus

Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Luisa Machacón

Visiting address
  • Binnengasthuisstraat 46
  • Room number: 103
Postal address
  • Postbus 94554
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Urban and Global Cultures.

    My research in urban studies focuses on the intersections between urban space, urban culture and urban governance and planning. Geographically speaking, most research is located in the Andean region and Central America. Together with colleagues and with the Master and PhD students in my team I have published on issues related to low-income housing, self-help neighborhoods, public space, gentrification and urban planning. I am interested in questions that relate to the scale and size of cities (my intermediate cities research) as well as in the question how translocal flows and networks shape local urban conditions (my research on remittance architecture), and in how cities deal with dead disposal and commemoration in their territory (my Deathscapes program).

    Prince Bernhard Scholarship Fund.

  • Research program: Deathscapes in Latin American Metropolises

    Societies worldwide are urbanizing at high speed. In 2050 almost 70 percent of the world population is projected to be urban. Advancing the planning of sustainable urban land use is an urgent theme. Infrastructure has to be provided to 6.4 billion people. This means that water, electricity and sewage systems will have to be improved and smarter mass transport systems to be developed. One of the basic human necessities not explicitly addressed in urban theories and policy prospects is the need for sufficient dignified spaces for dead disposal and commemoration, in other words ‘deathscapes’. The right to a dignified final destination is a basic human right. Yet, as part of the urban infrastructure, deathscapes tend to be developed rather haphazardly.

    Two tendencies increase the need for more knowledge on urban deathscapes, and hence, for an integrated field of deathscape studies: first, the demographic transition underway in several regions that will result in an aging population; and second, the intention formulated in the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, specifically in Goal 11 to build more compact and high-density cities. Higher population densities in cities urge us to find more space-efficient solutions for dead disposal too. In practice, this will arguably result in an increasing separation between disposal spaces and commemoration spaces.

    As one of the most urbanized regions in the world, Latin America figures prominently in the urban studies literature. In order to be better prepared for rapid urbanization processes taking place in other regions of the Global South, Latin American models are often used to exemplify desired and undesired policy outcomes. However, information about the development and transformation of urban deathscapes in Latin America is remarkably scarce, especially in comparison to the large amount of studies that have addressed deathscapes in Asian cities (e.g. Kong, 2012; Tan and Yeoh, 2002; Teather et al., 2001; Tremlett, 2007).

    This interdisciplinary program aims to provide a grounded understanding of the ways in which deathscapes in cities have been developed in the recent past as part of urban space and society, and the ways in which they would need to be developed to safeguard socially and environmentally sustainable urban futures. The program considers the urban deathscape to be a relevant locus for research on cities and, vice versa, it posits that the future of cities depends in part on the question how the ‘cities of the living’ find new forms of co-existence with the ‘cities of the dead’; how deathscapes can potentially be or become formative sites of conviviality for the city at large. Planning and governing deathscapes in high-density urban areas touches upon a myriad of pressing themes that are integrally addressed in this project.

  • Publications


    • Henry Debray, Monika Kuffer, Claudio Persello, Michael Wurm, Hannes Taubenböck, & Karin Pfeffer (2024). Detection of Unmonitored Graveyards in Lima in VHR Satellite Data Using Fully Convolutional Networks. In M. Kuffer, & S. Georganos (Eds.), Urban Inequalities from Space : Earth Observation Applications in the Majority World (pp. 167-188). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


    • Klaufus, C. (2023). Informal deathscapes in metropolitan Lima as cultural knowledge systems. In D. House, M. Westendorp, & A. Maddrell (Eds.), New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Change, and Contestation (pp. 21-41). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]
    • Klaufus, C. (2023). The norms and forms of the remittance landscape in Latin America. In P. Boccagni (Ed.), Handbook on Home and Migration (pp. 609-620). (Elgar handbooks in migration). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]











    • Klaufus, C. (2019). Superstar-Saints and Wandering Souls: The Cemetery as a Cultural Hotspot in Latin American Cities. In H. Selin, & R. M. Rakoff (Eds.), Death Across Cultures: Death and Dying in Non-Western Cultures (pp. 275-294). (Science across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Science; Vol. 9). Springer. [details]


    • Klaufus, C. J. (2018). The Cosmopolitan Necropolis: Conviviality in Today’s Cities of the Dead.


    • Klaufus, C. (2016). Arquitectura de remesas: 'Demonstration effect' in Latin American popular architecture. In M. Lozanovska (Ed.), Ethno-Architecture and the Politics of Migration (pp. 99-114). (Architext). Routledge. [details]
    • Klaufus, C. (2016). [Review of: S.L. Lopez (2015) The remittance landscape: Spaces of migration in rural Mexico and urban USA]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 102, 121-123. [details]
    • Klaufus, C., & van Lindert, P. (2016). Inleiding. In C. Klaufus, & P. van Lindert (Eds.), Latijns-Amerika: een regio in beweging (pp. 7-14). LM Publishers. [details]
    • Klaufus, C., Nijenhuis, G., & Ouweneel, A. (2016). Latijns-Amerika in beweging. In C. Klaufus, & P. van Lindert (Eds.), Latijns-Amerika: een regio in beweging (pp. 169-186). LM Publishers. [details]


    • Klaufus, C., & Ouweneel, A. (Eds.) (2015). Housing and Belonging in Latin America. (Latin American studies; Vol. 105). Berghahn. [details]


    • Ouweneel, A., Ypeij, A., & Klaufus, C. (2012). Introduction. In A. Ouweneel (Ed.), Andeans and Their Use of Cultural Resources: Space, Gender, Rights & Identity (pp. 1-23). (Cuadernos del Cedla; Vol. 25). CEDLA. [details]








    • Debray, H., Kuffer, M., Persello, C., Klaufus, C. J., & Pfeffer, K. (2018). Detection of Informal Graveyards in Lima using Fully Convolutional Network with VHR Images. Paper presented at Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event 2019, Vannes, France.
    • del Castillo Durand, M. L., & Klaufus, C. J. (2018). Barranco for sale: Narratives, Strategies and Impacts of a New Spatialization in Lima’s Central Districts. 1-18.

    Prize / grant

    • Klaufus, C. (2023). NWO Open Competition SSH.
    • Klaufus, C., Moura Tonucci Filho, J. & Lesutis, G. (2022). Centre for Urban Studies Seed Grant XL.
    • Klaufus, C. (2017). UvA FGw Aspasia grant.
    • Klaufus, C. & Pfeffer, K. (2016). Centre for Urban Studies Seed Grant.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Klaufus, C. (2016). LANDac Netherlands Land Academy.
    • Klaufus, C. (2016-2019). .
    • Klaufus, C. (2016-2017). Prince Bernhard Fellowships Foundation of Latin American Studies.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Klaufus, C. (editor) (2017-2019). Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (Journal).
    • Klaufus, C. (editor) (2014-2017). Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Klaufus, C. (speaker) (9-2-2024). Steden en ongelijkheid, Vakbijeenkomst Alfa-Gamma Partners, Amsterdam.
    • Klaufus, C. (speaker) (15-6-2022). Sanitary crisis and dealing with massive death in the metropolis: the case of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Towards the Post-Pandemic City?.
    • Klaufus, C. (speaker), Mollinger, I. (speaker) & Kennes, A. (speaker) (20-10-2020). Belonging and resilience through a commoning lens: 'Being-in-common' in Colombia's inner-urban districts, Latin American Urban Research in Dialogue, Bremen.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (11-9-2019). Zuid-Amerika leren kennen, CITO Dutch Institute for Educational Measurement.
    • Klaufus, C. (speaker) (1-12-2018). Urban Land: Between Grab and Development, Science without Frontiers, Groningen.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (5-7-2018). Public Space in the Grab-Development Paradox, Land Governance for Development, Utrecht.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (25-6-2018). Constructions of Eternity in Latin American Deathscapes, Institut für Etnologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (7-3-2018). Self-provided housing in The Netherlands and Latin America, Housing self-provision and comparative urbanism, Amsterdam.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (27-2-2018). Lima Global City, KNAG Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (Royal Dutch Geographical Society).
    • Klaufus, C. (speaker) (23-11-2017). Migratiestad Lima in trans-lokale context.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (13-11-2017). Growing pains of urban Latin America: governance paradigms towards affordable housing, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker), Steel, G. (speaker) & van Noorloos, F. (speaker) (5-7-2017). Urban Land Governance: Investing in Public Space, LANDac Summer School, Utrecht University, Utrecht.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (29-6-2017). Housing the Dead: The Cemetery as an Extension of Low-income Settlements, Workshop on Securing Housing and the Governing of Uncertainty, Amsterdam.
    • Klaufus, C. (speaker) (11-5-2017). The heart of the neighborhood: Cementerio Virgen de Lourdes, Lima, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    • Klaufus, C. (speaker) (30-4-2017). Spaces of representation and coexistence: Cementerio Virgen de Lourdes, Latin American Studies Association: Dialogues of Knowledge, Lima.
    • Klaufus, C. (invited speaker) (21-4-2017). Innovatieve stedelijke ontwikkeling in Zuid-Amerika: voorbij Curitiba en Bogotá, Thieme Meulenhoff GEO dag, Eindhoven.
    • Klaufus, C. (speaker) (26-1-2017). Cemetery Land Governance in Lima, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


    • Klaufus, C. (participant) (2-7-2024). Society for Latin American Studies, Amsterdam. Paper presentation 'Sensationism and Solidarity: the role of digital support systems in remote death and repatriation to Cuenca, Ecuador' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) (2-7-2024). Society for Latin American Studies, Amsterdam. Organization of panel 'Approaches towards Dying and Death in Latin America' and chairing that panel (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant) (2-7-2024). Society for Latin American Studies, Amsterdam. Discussant in panel 'Santa Muerte in Mexico: Studying devotional practices between insecurity,
      theology, and iconography' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) (13-6-2024). LASA Conference, Bogotá. Organization of panel 'Contesting urban borderscapes: migration and urban "invasion"', at LASA Conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant) (13-6-2024). LASA Conference, Bogotá. Paper presentation: 'Bordering newcomers in the enclaves of the marginalized dead' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) (13-3-2024 - 15-3-2024). Tejiendo Culturas en el Territorio, Medellín. This workshop is part of the NWO-OC funded project Contesting Urban Borderscapes in Latin America. Together with PhD candidate Isabelle Mollinger, I (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant), Moura Tonucci Filho, J. (participant), Scheba, S. (participant), Millington, N. (participant) & Lesutis, G. (participant) (24-11-2022). Repurposed infrastructures in the Unequal City: Occupation, repair, and alternative futures in Brazil and South Africa, Cape Town. International workshop as part of the project Repurposed infrastructures in the Unequal City: Occupation, repair, and alternative futures in Brazil (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) (15-6-2022). Towards the Post-Pandemic City?. I organized a panel with four presentations titled: "Latin America's Radical Urbanism" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (examiner) (10-6-2020). Toxic Tropics: Gender nature and capitalist transformations in the southern coast of Ecuador (examination).
    • Klaufus, C. (examiner) (24-4-2020). Collaborative Housing in Chile: an exploration of opportunities & barriers (examination).
    • Klaufus, C. (host) (8-2019 - 9-2019). Peter van Aert (hosting a visitor).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) (5-7-2019). Urban land debates in the global South, Utrecht. This was a panel session with paper presentation that I organized together with Griet Steel and Femke van Noorloos at the international LANDac (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (examiner) (4-7-2019). Worlding Rio de Janeiro’s favelas: relations and representations of socio-spatial inequality in visual art (examination).
    • Klaufus, C. (host) (4-2019 - 8-2019). A. Mora (hosting a visitor).
    • Klaufus, C. (other) (14-3-2019 - 10-12-2019). UvA Aspasia talent development programme (other).
    • Klaufus, C. (examiner) (19-12-2018 - 22-3-2019). Landscapes in-between: Highlands Urbanization and Resistance in the Andes (Cuenca, Ecuador) (examination).
    • Klaufus, C. (examiner) (28-9-2018). PhD Thesis Defense: Affordable Condominium Housing. A comparative analysis of low-income homeownership in Colombia and Ecuador (examination).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant) (2-7-2018 - 3-7-2018). Think Tank: Dynamics of Deprived Settlements, Amsterdam. In this two-day event, we will examine the dynamics of deprived settlements in different geographic contexts; standards and transferability. To this (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant) (28-6-2018). Prince Bernhard Scholarship Award Ceremony (other).
    • Klaufus, C. (examiner) (28-6-2018). PhD Thesis Defense: The Politics of Public Construction in a Globalized World: Imagining Urban Space in Ecuador (examination).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) (24-5-2018). Double panel "Latin American Gentrifications I and II" at LASA 2018 conference, Barcelona. Together with Prof. Clara Irazabal I organised and chaired two panels of 5 papers each, and I was discussant in the first session. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant) & del Castillo, L. (participant) (24-5-2018). Barranco for sale: Gentrification by depopulation in Lima’s central districts. Paper written together with Lorena del Castillo (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) & Ypeij, J. L. (organiser) (30-4-2017). Lima's conos today, Lima (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant) (29-4-2017 - 1-5-2017). Latin American Studies Association: Dialogues of Knowledge, Lima (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (organiser) & Pfeffer, K. (organiser) (14-2-2017 - 15-2-2017). Mapping Denied Spaces, Amersfoort (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Klaufus, C. (consultant) (2017). LBJ Latin American Policy Studies Strategy, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin (consultancy).
    • Klaufus, C. (participant) (29-5-2016). XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, New York. ‘Public and private provisioning of cemetery services in urban Colombia’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ypeij, A. (organiser) & Klaufus, C. J. (organiser) (8-10-2014 - 9-10-2014). The visible city’, International Seminar, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Ramirez Hincapie, C. E. (2021). Sin historia no hay cámara: Confianza y comunicación ciudadana en el piedemonte amazónico colombiano. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


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  • Ancillary activities
    • Stichting CITO
      Screening eindexamenopgaven aardrijkskunde als zzp-er.