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Cesar de Oliveira, S. E. M., Nakagawa, L., Russo Lopes, G., Visentin, J. C., Couto, M., Silva, D. E., d' Albertas, F., Pavani, B. F., Loyola, R., & West, C. (2024). The European Union and United Kingdom's deforestation-free supply chains regulations: Implications for Brazil. Ecological Economics, 217, Article 108053.[details]
de Castro, F., Brondizio, E., Futemma, C., de Theije, M. E. M., Russo Lopes, G., & Ramos de Moraes, A. (2024). Beyond “green markets” and local romanticisms for a locally grounded bioeconomy in Amazonia. One Earth, 7(11).
dos Reis, T. N. P., Bastos Lima, M. G., Russo Lopes, G., & Meyfroidt, P. (2024). Not all supply chains are created equal: The linkages between soy local trade relations and development outcomes in Brazil. World Development, 175, Article 106475.[details]
Londres, M., Salk, C., Andersson, K. P., Tengö , M., Brondizio, E. S., Russo Lopes, G., Siani, S. M. O., Molina-Garzón, A., Sonetti-Gonzáles, T., Rázuri Montoya, D., Futemma, C., de Castro, F., & Tourne, D. C. M. (2023). Place-based solutions for global social-ecological dilemmas: An analysis of locally grounded, diversified, and cross-scalar initiatives in the Amazon. Global Environmental Change, 82, Article 102718.[details]
Russo Lopes, G., & Bastos Lima, M. G. (2023). Eudaimonia in the Amazon: Relational Values as a Deep Leverage Point to Curb Tropical Deforestation. Conservation, 3(1), 214–231.[details]
Russo Lopes, G., & Bastos Lima, M. G. (2022). Understanding deforestation lock-in: Insights from Land Reform settlements in the Brazilian Amazon. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5, Article 951290.[details]
Brondizio, E. S., Andersson, K., de Castro, F., Futemma, C., Salk, C., Tengö, M., Londres, M., Tourne, D. C. M., Gonzalez, T. S., Molina-Garzón, A., Russo Lopes, G., & Siani, S. M. O. (2021). Making place-based sustainability initiatives visible in the Brazilian Amazon. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 66-78.[details]
Russo Lopes, G., Bastos Lima, M. G., & dos Reis, T. N. P. (2021). Maldevelopment revisited: Inclusiveness and social impacts of soy expansion over Brazil’s Cerrado in Matopiba. World Development, 139, Article 105316.[details]
dos Reis, T. N. P., Guidotti de Faria, V., Russo Lopes, G., Sparovek, G., West, C., Rajão, R., Napolitano Ferreira, M., Elvira, M. M. S., & do Valle, R. S. T. (2021). Trading deforestation—why the legality of forest-risk commodities is insufficient. Environmental Research Letters, 16(12), Article 124025.[details]
dos Reis, T. N. P., Guidotti de Faria, V., Russo Lopes, G., Sparovek, G., West, C., Rajão, R., Ferreira, M., Elvira, M. M. S. & do Valle, R. S. T. (2021). Additional dataset to Trading deforestation—why the legality of forest-risk commodities is insufficient. Zenodo.
Russo Lopes, G., & Bastos Lima, M. G. (2020). Necropolitics in the Jungle: COVID‐19 and the Marginalisation of Brazil's Forest Peoples. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 39(S1), 92-97.[details]
Maia de Souza, D., Russo Lopes, G., Hansson, J., & Hansen, K. (2018). Ecosystem services in life cycle assessment: A synthesis of knowledge and recommendations for biofuels. Ecosystem Services, 30, 200-210.
de Castro, F., McMichael, C. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Beyond the canopy: Spatial analysis of the anthropogenic forest and social-ecological function nexus in the Amazon.
de Castro, F., Hickey, C., Burgers, L., Fermeglia, M. & Russo Lopes, G. (2024). Rights of Nature: Through the Looking Glass.
Membership / relevant position
Russo Lopes, G. (2019). In October, I became the co-chair of the Dutch PhD Forum on Latin America (OLA), organizing periodic peer review meetings among PhDs., OLA - PhD forum on Latin America .
de Castro, F. (speaker) & Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) (10-6-2024). Pathways toward a grounded bioeconomy: Insights from sociobiodiversity value-chains in the Brazilian Amazon, Political Ecology Network Conference, Lund.
Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) & Valladares Pasquel, C. (speaker) (12-2-2020). Commodities' extraction in the Amazon: Cooptation and mobilization strategies in Brazil.
Russo Lopes, G. (speaker) (25-5-2019). Amazonian land-use and commodities chains, Amazon indigenous people, global agribusiness and authoritarian government, The Hague.
Londres, M. (other), Andersson, K. (other), Salk, C. (other), Tengo, M. (other), Brondizio, E. (other), Russo Lopes, G. (other), Siani, S. (other), Molina-Garzón, A. (other), Sonetti-Gonzales, T. (other), Razuri Montoya, D. (other), Futemma, C. (other), de Castro, F. (other) & Tourne, D. (other) (2024). Strengthening Place-Based Initiatives for Bottom-up Sustainable Development in the Amazon (other).
Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (24-9-2020). Political Ecology Network Biannual Conferences. At the POLLEN Conference, I presented my article entitled "Commodity versus conservation: Forest governance and development models in the Brazilian (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (21-5-2020). SLAS Annual Conference. At the SLAS Annual Conference, I introduced my fieldwork research in a presentation entitled "Forest conservation in the Brazilian Amazon: Hybrid (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Russo Lopes, G. (other) (2-2020). Blind reviewer (other).
Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (6-11-2019 - 9-11-2019). Conference on Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons, Lisbon. I attended the conference to present my preliminary fieldwork findings to peer researchers from the field. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (11-10-2019). IASC World Commons Week, Utrecth. I have presented my preliminary fieldwork results in this occasion for feedback from peer researchers in the field. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Russo Lopes, G. (other) (15-6-2019 - 10-9-2019). Fieldwork in the Brazilian Amazon (other).
Russo Lopes, G. (participant) (29-5-2019). Studying water as a transdisciplinary challenge, Delft. In this event, I have presented an earlier version of my PhD pilot study. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Russo Lopes, G. (2023). Forest-making in agrarian frontiers: Place-based transformative pathways toward sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
dos Reis, T. N. P., Guidotti de Faria, V., Russo Lopes, G., Sparovek, G., West, C., Rajão, R., Ferreira, M., Elvira, M. M. S. & do Valle, R. S. T. (2021). Additional dataset to Trading deforestation—why the legality of forest-risk commodities is insufficient. Zenodo.
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