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Dr. F. (Francesca) Zantedeschi

Faculty of Humanities

Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications




    • Zantedeschi, F. (2022). Cântecul gintei latine: Vasile Alecsandri, ‘race’ connections and the Latinity of the Romanians (1850s-1870s). Nations and Nationalism, 28(3), 909-923.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2021). Micro-Nationalisms in Western Europe in the Wake of the First World War. In X. M. Núñez Seixas (Ed.), The First World War and the Nationality Question: Global Impact and Local Dynamics (pp. 145-169). (National Cultivation of Culture; Vol. 23). Brill.
    • Zantedeschi, F. (2021). Scholars and the reframing of Europe: the complex relationship between language, race and nation during the Great War. Studies on National Movements, 8(1). [details]


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2020). The “dogma of the Independence of Nations”: nationality as the basis of 1919 international legal order. Studies on National Movements, 5.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2019). The Antiquarians of the Nation: Monuments and Language in Nineteenth-Century Roussillon. Brill.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2014). Petrarch 1874: Pan-national Celebrations and Provençal Regionalism. In J. Leerssen, & A. Rigney (Eds.), Commemorating Writers in Nineteenth Century Europe. Nation-Building and Centenary Fever (pp. 134-151). Palgrave Macmillan.



    • Zantedeschi, F. (2022). La fin des terroirs? La storiografia sul Midi francese quarant’anni dopo l’opera di Weber. In A. Geniola, & D. Paci (Eds.), Sulle tracce della comunità immaginata. Identità e istituzioni nell’Europa degli stati nazionali (pp. 43-61). Unicopli.



    • Zantedeschi, F., Paci, D., & Perri, P. (Eds.) (2018). Paesaggi mediterranei: storie, rappresentazioni, narrazioni. Aracne Editrice.
    • Zantedeschi, F., Perri, P., & Geniola, A. (Eds.) (2018). Nazionalismo, socialismo e conflitti sociali nell’Europa del XX secolo. Aracne Editrice.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2015). 'Panlatinismes’ et visions d’Europe, 1860-1890. In S. Aprile, C. Cassina, P. Darriulat, & R. Leboutte (Eds.), Europe de papier: projets européens au XIXe siècle Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
    • Zantedeschi, F., Di Giacomo, M., di Nunzio, N., & Gori, A. (Eds.) (2015). Piccole tessere di un grande mosaico: nuove prospettive dei “regional studies”.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2013). Une langue en quête d’une nation. IEO Edicions.
    • Zantedeschi, F. (2013). L’invention d’un espace transnational: l’idée latine dans la renaissance littéraire en langue d’oc, 1860-1880. In L. Charrier, K. Rance, & F. Spitzl-Dupic (Eds.), Circulations et réseaux transnationaux en Europe (XVIIIe-XXe siècles). Acteurs, pratiques, modèles (pp. 173-185). Peter Lang.
    • Zantedeschi, F. (2013). Romanistique et “panlatinisme” en France dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle. In S. Moussa (Ed.), Le XIXe siècle et ses langues



    • Zantedeschi, F. (2010). I nomi dell’“occitano” e la controversia linguistica catalano-provenzale. Rassegna Iberistica, (92), 31-44.
    • Zantedeschi, F. (2010). Lingua e nazione in Europa. Passato e Presente, (79), 155-167.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2022). Book review: R. McMahon (ed.), national Races. Transnational Power Struggles in the Sciences and Politics of Human Diversity, 1840-1945. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019, 402 pp. Studies on National Movements, 10.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2020). Review of: F. Rash, C. Declerq (eds.), The Great War in Belgium and the Netherlands, Springer International Publishing, 2018. Passato e Presente, (209), 183-186.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2018). Review of: Barry G., Dal Lago E., Healy R. (eds.), Small Nations and Colonial Peripheries in World War I, Leiden: Brill, 2016. Nazioni e Regioni, (11), 125-127.
    • Zantedeschi, F. (2018). Review of: Chabrolle-Cerretini A.-M. (ed.), Paradigmes et concepts pour une histoire de la linguistique romane, Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2017. Histoire, Épistémologie, Langage, 40(2), 165-167.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2014). Review of: Thiesse A.-M., Faire les Français. Quelle identité nationale?, Paris: Stock, 2010. Nazioni e Regioni, (3), 117-119.


    • Zantedeschi, F. (2013). Review of: Berjoan N., L’identité du Roussillon. Penser un pays à l’age des nation (1780-2000), Canet en Roussillon: Trabucaire, 2011. Nazioni e Regioni, (1), 169-171.

    Prize / grant

    • Zantedeschi, F. (2022). HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01.
    • Zantedeschi, F. (2020). Vossius research fellowhip.
    • Zantedeschi, F. (2017). Gerda Henkel Stiftung scholarship.

    Journal editor

    • Zantedeschi, F. (editor) (2023-2025). Studies on National Movements (Journal).
    • Zantedeschi, F. (editor) (2015-2021). Nazioni e Regioni (Journal).


    • Zantedeschi, F. (organiser) (23-10-2023). Ethnotypes and Wartime Propaganda in the Twentieth Century, Amsterdam. International workshop organised in the framework of my research project ETHNOSCHISM. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
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