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Almost finished with your PhD-program? Unsure about the start of your career? Come attend a small free lunch with AHM-Alumnus Inge den Oudsten at Het Groene Paleis on the 6th of February! Here you'll get the chance to ask Inge about her experience as a policy advisor for cultural heritage at the Steunpunt Cultureel Erfgoed Noord-Holland.
Event details of PhD Skills | Career Lunch with an AHM-Alumnus
6 February 2025
Het Groene Paleis

The PhD-skills team has organized a small event for PhD-graduates curious about the experience of starting a career after obtaining a doctorate. During this free lunch, participants will have the chance to ask AHM-alumnus Inge den Oudsten questions about her experience as a coordinator and policy advisor at the Steunpunt Cultureel Erfgoed Noord-Holland. This help point assists local councils and individuals by answering their questions about achaeological projects, historical monuments, the cultural environment, and sustainability. Additionally, Inge helps to produce the cultural heritage magazine ODE.

Alongside the opportunity to have some free food, the lunch also offers a great chance to network with your peers.

This event lasts from 13:00 to 14:00. You can register by clicking on the button below. In order to keep things manageable for everyone, the amount of participants is limited, so sign up as soon as possible!