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As a PhD researcher you are immersed into your research subject every day, but how do you bring across your research to a large public? In this course participants are taught to give an audience-focused presentation, instead of a content- or screen-focused presentation.
Event details of PhD Skills | Presentation Skills Group A
31 March 2025
Organised by
Karin Herrebout

Due to the University strike on the 17th of March, this course will now start on the 31st.

Course description

All theory will be practiced in exercises and is obtainable on video. The teacher acts as a stage director and gives each participant personal stage directions, that will be applied to their own subject content. The training is intensive and sometimes confronting, but also a perfect chance to learn the tricks of the trade under professional guidance.

After the course, participants will be able to:

  • structure the content in a way that the audience will remember it better;
  • use their body, voice and hands more consciously;
  • keep the attention of the audience more, by making the information that you deliver clearly audible, visible and tangible, establish good contact with the audience;
  • make effective slides and present them audience-focused, instead of screen-focused;
  • deal with tension and present with confidence

Group set-up

The course consists of two plenary sessions with max 15 participants, two group sessions with max 5 participants and two/ three meetings with a peer, to be scheduled by yourselves. 

Course Dates

Monday, 17 March, 13:30-16:30 Doelenzaal (UB C0.07)

Monday, 31 March, 13:00-17:00 Vondelzaal (UB C1.08)

Tuesday, 22 April, 14:00-17:00 Doelenzaal (UB C0.07)

Monday, 12 May, 13:00-17:00 Vondelzaal (UB C1.08)


Room C0.07
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam